Splicing Up The Details of “Don’t Worry Darling”–everything we know so far

breaking out of my void to say um??? New trailer for this movie starring Florence Pugh?? Directed by Olivia Wilde??? GEMMA CHAN IS IN IT???? MUSIC BY JOHN POWELL??????? goodbye

Unlike my posts theorizing about The Quarry (which is delightful so far and yas there will be a review post for that just as soon as I’m done zooming around Hot Wheels tracks in Forza), this one won’t involve pulling much from various social media sites because there just isn’t that much out there yet.

We do however have 2 official trailers and they are a doozy.


At its core, the film seems to be about young couple Alice (Florence Pugh) and Jack (Harry Styles) in the 1950s living out their perfect lives in their perfect town. That is, of course, until Alice starts to question some less-than-ideal elements of their existence and everything immediately starts unraveling.

The official website actually offers a pretty in-depth synopsis for us: Alice and Jack are just one of the many couples living in the “experimental company town” of Victory–during the day, the men go to work on the top-secret Victory Project while the wives hang out and clean and cook and so on and so forth. As Alice starts to question things, she learns more and more about “something sinister lurking beneath the attractive facade” and ultimately must decide how much she’s willing to lose in order to expose the truth.

Much of what we see in the trailers involves Alice specifically questioning what on earth is actually happening with the “Victory Project.” There’s a delightfully unsettling dinner scene where she brings this up and is challenged by Frank (Chris Pine), the CEO of the project.

(Sidenote: so happy for Chris Pine to get to play a villain! Thrilled for him to join another Hollywood Chris on this journey of “I’m super pretty and usually get to play the romantic lead/good guy so therefore audiences trust me and it will add a very unsettling element to this film now that I’m a villain.” Basically, Evil Chris Evans in Knives Out lives rent-free in my mind forever and now he’ll have some company!)

There are a lot of side-elements to this basic story shown to us in the trailers: Alice and Jack’s relationship, Alice’s friendship with the other wives, a ballet class? For some reason??? The trailers are DELIGHTFUL and I really think they’ve done a good job of building up tension and hinting at the overall mystery without giving too much away.



Okay anyway

Just like you would find in any good Jordan Peele thriller, something dark is lurking underneath the picture perfect facade, but what is it exactly?

At this stage of our knowledge (or really, lack thereof) about the film, I’m guessing right now it has something to do with atomic bombs and, more specifically, atomic bomb testing.

I mean, an obvious nod to that could easily be how similar the names are of secret projects being worked on: in the film, we have the “Victory Project,” and in reality, we had the “Manhattan Project.”

However, slight disclaimer: advertising for the film always highlights the 1950s as the timeline, whereas the Manhattan Project was exclusively 1940s. Its legacy and the work it inspired carried into the 50s and beyond, but still, it’s worth noting.

But wait–there’s more!

One of the more eerie shots in the trailer is a bird’s eye view of the town of Victory–an almost perfect circular town paradise in the middle of nowhere in the desert. There’s another moment where the wives are all hanging out and chatting when suddenly there’s a loud rumble and they react like it’s some sort of minor earthquake (“the boys and their toys” one of the characters says). In the other trailer, there’s a clip of Alice and Jack at home when the rumbling begins and Jack reaches out to steady a coffee cup. This tells us the rumbling happens at least two different times in the film–it could be a regular occurrence and the characters are so used to it, they just don’t care or question it.

Does everyone remember that one scene from the Indiana Jones movie where Indy hops into a fridge and survives a nuclear blast? But prior to that, he was in this picture perfect town full of mannequins?


Specifically in the 1950s, this was a real thing the US did to test out the effects of nuclear weapons. My personal research varied with amounts, but there were at least two different fully decked-out towns set up and then essentially, destroyed. Reports vary on whether they were Doom Towns, Survival Towns, both, etc. Houses were filled with furniture, real food, and fake people–one of these houses still stands today in Nevada if you’re looking for a fun road trip stop!

So, hear me out: that’s what Victory is. The Victory Project is, like the Manhattan Project before it, specifically focused on atomic testing while Victory is a Doom Town. Except instead of mannequins, they want to test out how it affects living people.

There’s even a clip shown in both trailers where Alice has a carton of eggs out but when she smashes one–it’s completely empty. It’s a fake egg.

The original Doom Towns had fake people and real food–Victory has fake food and real people.

They could even bring in how much of a disaster communication was on the original Manhattan Project: for example, if Alice and Jack are the picture of romance (as implied in the trailers) why would Jack willingly work on something that could bring about Alice’s death?

That’s just it: he may not even know what he’s working on. So many of the people working on the Manhattan Project had zero clue what they were building.

Speaking of Alice and Jack, their relationship is pushed a lot in the trailers. Almost every other clip is the two of them snuggling, making out, staring longingly at each other, or doing unspeakable things on a dinner table. The second trailer even has one of the other wives say that “Alice and Jack only have time for each other.” Later on, however, there are some clips where Jack is yelling at Alice because “not everyone gets this opportunity” and saying “I gave you all of this, Alice!” One of my favorite eerie moments is at a dinner scene where Alice is asking another woman where she met her husband, and Alice finishes the story for her, word for word. It seems to be implying that perhaps all of the couples met the exact same way. Maybe none of the relationships are real.

That, or perhaps the men do know more than they’re letting on while keeping their wives in the dark, for the sake of having those test subjects in the town.

(Speaking of: the website synopsis says that the town of Victory is for the men working on the project and their families, and even though all of the wives are shown…there are no kids? Anywhere? They might just not be in the trailers, but it’s just…interesting)



I mean, cool major Black Swan vibes and all but–????

There’s also a fun sequence where Alice is running from a large group of people in red jumpsuits–maybe this was just a sequel to Us all along!

The second trailer also showed us some scenes that seem to point to Alice seeing a therapist of some sort. He mentions that other patients of his have nightmares, and there are pills that will help. I guess this could imply that this whole thing is some sort of mind experiment?? I mean, MK-Ultra started in 1953, so………they could go that route. This therapist also says “keep calm and carry on” which is notably a reference to WWII and therefore out of the 1950s timeline, for whatever that’s worth.

I also couldn’t begin to tell you why the second trailer is full of an ominous voice saying “tick…tock…” although I did at first wonder if having the main character be named Alice was some sort of Alice in Wonderland reference, and therefore, the “tick tock” voice could be referring to the whole white-rabbit-being-late thing. It’s unclear, though, of course.

The only truly notable social media post (at this point) is on Instagram–it’s the poster I put at the top of the post, before it glitches out and turns upside down and the text changes to “don’t worry” before flipping back around. That plane in the poster is shown briefly in a trailer, where it flies overhead but sort of wobbles in and out of focus. Couldn’t begin to tell you what that means at this point.

One of the taglines for the film seems to be “are you ready to live the life you deserve?” which could imply that all the characters in Victory are horrible people and they have this coming. Or something. We’ll find out!

And that’s pretty much it for now! I’ll pop back in with updates when we have them, but for now, we’re stuck waiting until the end of September.

So until then, check out the trailers and get ready for a wild ride come release day!

The Quarry: Updates #3!

my blog: come for the updates, stay for the memes


(In my defense, I started this post on Thursday but then I got sidetracked by dying my hair and seeing Hadestown. And then I had to emotionally recover from dying my hair and seeing Hadestown.)

So now at the time of writing this, we are just under ONE WEEK AWAY from the game’s release!! We have a new YouTube video, lots of Instagram posts, a couple TikTok videos, and of course, A BRAND NEW PODCAST EPISODE to discuss today!!

Settle in with some snacks, keep an eye out for werewolves, and let’s dive on in!

Click the image above to check out the video!


2K uploaded what they are calling the “Official Gameplay Overview Trailer” where our good friend the director Will Byles dives into more specifics about what the gameplay will look like. He goes into the various modes, covering some of what we knew already, but I do want to touch on a few things!

  1. To start off with, we see a short new clip of Dylan and Ryan! If you’re like me and you’ve watched IGN or others talking about getting to play a short preview of the game, you’ll recognize this moment–it seems you have the decision as Dylan to climb back up the ladder, but doing so gives you a PATH CHOSEN moment and seems to point out that the ladder is now unsteady. Great. I’m sure that’s fine. It’s not like ladders need to be steady or anything. We don’t see that moment in this clip, but rather the moment before, where Dylan teases Ryan about seeing “absolutely nothing” down there. Dorks.
    1. Once again, though, you’ve got me asking…where are they? Do all the buildings have ominous basements, or are they in the actual namesake quarry? Hmmmmm…
    2. We do see the moment where Dylan can choose to climb up the ladder again later on in the video. It’s one of those “Path Updated” moments and seems to imply that putting just that much more pressure on the ladder is a bad idea–for later on, at least. Great, now I’m gonna be stressed out about ladders in my playthrough. Like, knowing this moment happens, do I choose not to go up the ladder then? Will that kill Dylan early? WHO DO I DOOM BY BREAKING THE LADDER THOUGH???
    3. I’m gonna inadvertently slaughter everyone during my playthrough, I just know it. Sorry in advance.
  2. There’s a brief clip where we see Jacob talking to Nick, asking him how his ~moment~ with Abigail in the woods went. We can choose to have Nick be evasive about it, asking Jacob how things are going with Emma instead, or hopeful, saying that it was okay.
    1. Obsessed with how the hopeful option is just like “it was aight” like?? Sure, okay.
  3. There’s a short clip of Jacob looking at different books in one of the cabins, and at one point he says “ugh, horror. I hate horror.”
  1. Important things to note that Will Byles says:
    1. In regards to the counselors throwing a party: “Unfortunately for them, hunting season has just begun, and they’re the prey.”
      1. a lot of the advertising earlier on seemed to be hinting that they would be hunted by other humans–Anton even points out how awful and monstrous humans can be in the podcast–but I’m just not sure that’s the case…at least, not entirely. THERE ARE TOO MANY CALLBACKS TO CRYPTIDS AND WEREWOLVES, FRIENDS. I don’t doubt they’re the prey, but I have questions about the predator(s) and their strange adherence to letting children hang out there unharmed for a whole week during the summer.
    2. In regards to gameplay: “You’ll play as all nine counselors throughout the course of the game.”
      1. I’ve mentioned this before, but they have to keep bringing this up for a reason. There’s a theory that Max and Laura are our prologue characters and we don’t see them again, but I just…that wouldn’t make sense and wouldn’t explain why they keep emphasizing “YOU WILL PLAY AS ALL NINE OF THEM” because as we saw in the prologue, you only play as Laura there. We still have to play as Max. MAX DIDN’T DIE IN THE PROLOGUE.
      2. Now…are we playing a fully human Max? Thaaaaaaat remains to be seen…
  2. He then goes on to discuss the various ways to play the game, from the classic single player experience to various multiplayer modes to the fun movie mode option, which I plan to use to watch what choices I SHOULD have made for the “everyone lives” option. Because again, I’m going to end up inadvertently slaughtering everyone, I just know it.
    1. It should be noted I will likely only be reviewing the single player modes here because…it’s in the title of the blog. Also, the multiplayer options require having friends.
      2. but you need friends who enjoy horror

That about does it for YouTube for now!

Click the image above to check out the Instagram!


We have a whopping NINE ELEVEN posts to get through and overanalyze, so LET’S DO THIS (they added more while I was emotionally recovering)

  1. Up first is a cute post sponsored by our favorite podcast, Bizarre Yet Bonafide, with a list of items they claim make up a cryptid survival kit. Apparently it works on most cryptids! (effectiveness not guaranteed, however)
    1. Items included in the “kit” are a Bizarre Yet Bonafide t shirt (pls I want this pls make this a thing pls), a vial of holy water, a silver crucifix, some wolfsbane, and some garlic bread. God I love garlic bread.
      1. So does this tell us what the monster of the game may be or is it too vague? Well…yes and no. The use of holy water is potentially too vague, as it can be used in exorcisms, warding off evil spirits, disease, or Satan himself, getting rid of demons, and even exposing a suspected vampire. A crucifix, as we all know (or at least those of us currently entrenched in Dracula Daily know), is used to ward off vampires, but the specification of a silver crucifix is interesting. From what I can tell, there’s nothing in mythology or folklore that says the crucifix has to be silver. To me, that seems to tie in a lot more to the whole “kill a werewolf with a silver bullet” thing. Speaking of wolves…WOLFSBANE. There is a lot going on with wolfsbane–from what I can tell, it’s one of many names for a species of flowers that could potentially be poisonous? In mythology, there seem to be conflicting accounts: some say it causes one to become a werewolf, some say it is used to repel monsters such as werewolves…and, perhaps most notably, wolfsbane was used as a sort of attempt to ward off Dracula in one of the movie adaptations. I can’t tell you if this happens in the original novel because we’re not at that point in Dracula Daily yet and I know I could just read the book myself BUT WHERE IS THE FUN IN THAT. The kit also comes with garlic bread, but it’s unclear if that’s to ward off vampires or just to eat because garlic bread is delicious.
      2. All this to say, it’s possible the kit could be just an attempt at a general catch-all for warding off monsters and cryptids, but on the other hand, a loooooot of this seems to now be pointing at vampires. Which like, don’t get me wrong, would be cool–I just feel like we’ve seen a real uptick in vampire games recently. I’d be down for some werewolves, is all I’m saying. Or both. Both is good.
  2. The next post is our fun little introductory video to Chris, the apparent owner of the summer camp and maybe the area? Played by David Arquette, it’s Mr. H!
    1. Mr. H’s video describes him as “the father figure, friendly, charming, approachable” with a brief flash to his “negative” trait as being “short-tempered.”
      1. The scene they show when they call him short-tempered is from the trailer where he’s telling the kids NO you canNOT stay another night, JACOB. But I’m kinda running on the theory that dear old Mr. H might be one of the monsters himself–I think calling a quick-to-bite werewolf “short-tempered” is a bit of an understatement, but it’s just the kind of thing I would do if I were advertising for a game like this. HMMMM…
  3. The next post is an announcement that the release of one of the multiplayer modes is being delayed, and will not come out with the rest of the game on June 10. Instead, online multiplayer mode will be released via an update on July 8.
    1. The idea behind the online multiplayer is that (from what I gather) one person is playing, but everyone else can vote on decisions as they come up, thereby shaping the story by popular demand. At least then you have other people to blame when something goes horribly wrong!
  4. The next post is actually just the gameplay overview trailer we covered already in the YouTube section.
  5. The next post is a preview of what the “80’s Throwback Outfits” look like for Abigail, Nick, and Kaitlyn. The throwback outfits are available in the ~deluxe~ addition, but it’s worth noting that they won’t be available in-game until–wait for it–July 8.
    1. Kaitlyn’s is cute and all but doesn’t really give me her…energy? If that makes sense? Nick’s has a cute letterman jacket, which we love, but ABIGAIL. OH MAN ABIGAIL. SHE SLAYING IN THOSE PLAID PANTS I LOVE HER.
      1. gonna be so sad when I accidentally get her slaughtered
  6. We then have a clip from the fourth podcast episode, which I covered in my previous updates post if you’d like to check that out!
  7. Next up, we have a little arrangement of all of our lovely camp counselors, with the caption being “which counselors will survive your first playthrough?”
    1. My favorite comment is the person like “I will try to save everyone but if it’s anything like Until Dawn, I will accidentally slaughter everyone and be sad af”
    2. me too
  8. Next, we get a preview of what the 80’s throwback outfits look like for Emma, Jacob, and Ryan and they are…*chef’s kiss*
    1. Crop top supremacy is all I’m sayin
    2. Emma and Jacob crop top power couple
  9. Then, we get our favorite podcast episode update post with our favorite computer monitor and “Rabbit Hole” sticky note
    1. still have no idea what that means
  10. We then have a picture of our buddy the sheriff in front of the cellar from the prologue that reads “ONE WEEK LEFT”
  11. this next post requires a lil ~sleuthing~ if you will, as it appears to be an actual tarot reading for us!! The cards presented to us are The Fool, The High Priestess, The Magician, and…The Tower
    1. Aight lemme preface this by saying that as an unapologetic tarot user and enthusiast myself, I still don’t know absolutely everything there is to know about the cards and my interpretation and theorizing about this could absolutely differ from the dev’s intentions and reasons for this post and the cards chosen. So much of tarot depends on the spread being used, the deck being used, the reader, the person on the other side of the table, so on and so forth. So, with that being said–let’s dive in.
    2. What’s important to note right off the bat is that there is no spread for these cards–they are simply presented to us one by one before moving on to the next one. Now, you don’t need a specific spread for readings, but sometimes the cards’ relationship to each other in the spread formation is crucial to whatever information you can glean from them. What’s a spread, you may be asking if you’ve read this far? Basically, it’s how you arrange the cards for the reading. There are any number of well known spreads (or, in simplest terms, shapes) you can use in readings, but people create their own spreads to use all the time, and the card’s position in the spread (shape) can help decipher what the cards are telling you. We don’t have any of that here, so our interpretation largely depends on the cards themselves.
    3. The amount of cards given to us is crucial as well–4. Simple tarot pulls tend to involve 3 cards (or even 1), so we can rule out more well-known spreads like the past-present-future. That’s not to say there are no pulls or spreads involving 4 cards because of course there are, but we don’t know which one we’re using here, so we can’t rely on it. Anyway, all that aside, let’s look at the cards themselves.
    4. Each card given to us is one of the Major Arcana–tarot decks are split into two different “types” of cards, the Major and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana are the ones used most often in media, they’re the cards like Death, The Lovers, and yes, The Tower. The Minor Arcana are organized more closely to a standard deck of cards, with four suits and number cards as well as “face” cards. Like the Major Arcana, every single Minor Arcana card has a different meaning, the difference being you can also glean some of that from the number of the card as well as the suit. But we’re not dealing with any of that here, so back to the Major Arcana!
    5. Card #1 from our reading is The Fool. This is a card we’ve seen before in the game, because it shows up as a collectible in the Prologue–Laura finds it while she’s exploring the spooky woods and the remains of the Harum Scarum show. Generally The Fool represents new beginnings, the start of a new journey, and innocence. When I covered this card in the Prologue video, I mentioned that this makes sense in context because it’s the start of the game and certainly the start of a new journey for us as the player. I don’t know how innocent we’re gonna be going into this “absolutely definitely a horror game” but…ya know.
    6. Card #2 is The High Priestess. Generally, the card is one of introspection and wisdom, especially when it comes to spirituality and spiritual knowledge. It’s a card of mystery, and (depending on the cards around it) it could be telling you to take a moment to closely investigate your surroundings or the situation you find yourself in because it’s possible things around you may not be what they appear to be. The card may not always mean that exactly, but I think in the context of…horror game…that interpretation makes sense. Plus, we’ve heard that kind of phrase before, the whole “things may not be as they appear.”
    7. Card #3 is The Magician. Generally the card points to success through determination and use of the knowledge and tools you currently possess–you have the power to shape your destiny and now is the time to do it. In the immortal words of Arthur in Shrek 3: “the only one standing in your way is…you.” Unlike the High Priestess’s warning of introspection, this card is all about how it is the time to act and embrace your full potential. You have the power, so use it.
    8. Card #4 is, unfortunately, The Tower. Like I discussed in a previous updates post, media generally is quick to use the Death card as a bad omen when the true enemy and the one you really want to watch out for is The Tower. BUT ALSO I’M KIDDING–there’s not such thing as a bad or “evil” tarot card, it’s all about their placement in the spread and the situation you’re reading into. That being said, The Tower generally has the greater potential to point to more negative outcomes or situations than, say, The Sun or the Wheel of Fortune (the card, not the game show). Generally, The Tower is associated with sudden, unexpected change or even disaster, an unforseen accident, and destruction. However, depending on the spread, it could also be referencing liberation and a sudden change that brings freedom from a dangerous situation. Do I think the game will be using that interpretation??? Absolutely not, this is a horror game and everyone gonna be dead. But we can dream.
    9. So…when you put them all together, what does it mean? Well, again, we’re at a bit of a loss because we don’t have a spread and therefore card placements and organization to use for reference. However, if I had to guess as a semi-coherent tarot enthusiast and overanalyzer of all small details in everything, I would say this reading isn’t directed at any of the characters in the game or even meant to tell us anything new necessarily–like the impossible choices presented to the Instagram audience, I believe this tarot reading is directed at us as the PLAYER as we start thinking about and getting ready to play this game. Every card can be used in this way to both help and warn us as we enter the final countdown this week. Like The Fool, we are beginning a new journey and are innocent only in that we don’t have all the answers on our first playthrough about what exactly is waiting for us in The Quarry–and we should keep that in mind and not be too cocky as we set out (unless we’re goin in with a full slaughter mindset, I suppose). I believe The High Priestess could be reminding us to not make too many snap decisions, especially because we don’t immediately have all the answers and again, things may not be what they seem to be. There’s a ton of mystery still and we just don’t fully know what’s waiting for us around the corner, so it’s worth approaching with caution. On the flipside, The Magician may be reminding us that using the knowledge we gain as we go through the story can only help us in the end. We literally have the power in our hands, so let’s use it. We have everything we need. Hopefully. And then we have The Tower, which feels…somewhat self-explanatory in retrospect. The characters we play as absolutely go through a sudden change and definite disaster, so we have to keep that in mind going in as we control them and shape their story and relationships. I think this also fits in nicely with the Prologue, and Max and Laura’s sudden change in their evening when they were attacked by…something.
      1. which like…is so absolutely their fault. WHY DID YOU EXPLORE THE WOODS. WHY DIDN’T YOU GO TO THE MOTEL LIKE TED RAIMI TOLD YOU TO. WHY DID YOU BREAK INTO THE CELLAR. Is it because you’re characters in a horror game? Yeah. Yeah that checks out.
    10. This could also mean something completely and entirely different!! Again, though I’m hopeful, we don’t know how much tarot research the devs have done or what their actual intentions are with this post, and we don’t have the luxury of a tarot spread to help us out (and none of the cards are reversed in the reading, which is a whole other thing). Ultimately, we’ll have to wait just a few more days and see for ourselves…
  12. (THEY ADDED TWO MORE POSTS SINCE I STARTED WRITING THIS SECTION CALM DOWN GUYS it’s almost like the game comes out in a couple days or something) Up next we have the 80’s throwback outfits for Laura, Max, and Dylan and they are SO. GOOD. Laura’s colorblock shirt?? Max’s sick jacket?? DYLAN’S!!! SWEATSHIRT!!!! AAAAAAAA
  13. Then we have a short clip of Laura in the woods from the prologue when Eliza ominously whispers “Silas” in her ear. It comes with some text that reminds us the game comes out THIS FRIDAY!!!

That’s all for Instagram for now!

Click on the image above to check out the TikTok page!


There are two new posts on the TikTok page!

  1. The first is the same introduction video we got on Instagram, so no need to dive back into that.
  2. The second is the POV video the other counselors got, except instead of being from Chris’s point of view, it’s still from the counselors’ point of view, it’s just that it’s about Chris. It’s set up as “the most annoying things about Mr. H,” poking fun of his sense of style (or lack thereof) and his dad jokes. It then points out that he’s the only ride out of camp. I’m sure that’s fine, though.
    1. It’s worth pointing out that one of the thing the counselors complain about is that he “won’t give phones back.” I’m curious how this plays into the story, because we know Emma films lil vlogs with her phone, and part of the trailer is Kaitlyn’s phone when she sees a strange light on the island. So…does he only take some of the phones? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT IF YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THE COUNSELORS STAYING AN EXTRA NIGHT WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON, DAVID ARQUETTE
  3. Since I started working on this post, they added another video, but it’s another repeat from Instagram: the video of Laura in the woods with the “THIS FRIDAY” text announcement.

That’s really all we’ve got for the TikTok page, at least for now! There may be more before the game’s release, although they seem to have transferred primarily over to Instagram in the final days.

Click the image to check out the podcast!


I’ve missed Grace so much :’)

…and unfortunately I feel like I’m about to miss her more since my girl decided camping alone in Hackett Woods was a good idea. Le sigh.

This episode is a good 3-4 minutes LONGER than our usual audio adventures, so there’s a lot to unpack here!!

We start with the usual unsettling audio editing to set the scene (monster noises, crunching, squelching, the usual). We then hear our beloved Grace and find out that she is at the check-in desk of the Harbinger Motel because she drove out to Hackett Woods ALONE to investigate all her leads.

(By the way, if you’re wondering where you’ve heard the name of the motel before, it’s in the prologue! That’s the motel that Sheriff Ted Raimi tries to get Max and Laura to go to when he insists they cannot show up to the camp one night early. Grace is, of course, ecstatic about the weird name.)

Grace makes it clear that Anton isn’t accompanying her as he is having meatloaf at his mom’s. Grace also alludes to the fact that she mayyyyyy have some type of feelings for Anton, and she’s a bit hurt that she wasn’t invited to the meatloaf shebang (even though she’s a vegan vague-en). She promises to make up for his absence and pretends to speak as him, though a little more…flirty than usual.

We learn that Grace went to investigate on her own because, even though the whole “missing dead body” thing ended up being a hoax, there has to be more to the story because there’s no smoke without fire (or, as the episode title suggests, no hoax without fire). After all, there are still two missing hikers and a local legend of a ghost woman haunting the woods, soooooo…Grace cuts the recorder off during check-in so we don’t hear from whomever the Harbinger desk clerk is, and Grace makes the point that the room is shockingly normal (with the exception of the old-fashioned toilet with the chain handle).

Grace checks back in with us in the morning, where she says that even her night was completely uneventful. She even did Bloody Mary in the mirror and nothin’! She then asks “what is this motel even a harbinger of, sweet dreams?” *ba dum tssss* (we love Grace so much) Grace then complains about being hungry and rummages in her bag for some food–and I bet you’re wondering, “why are we bringing this up? This seems inconsequential to ghost-hunting” and you’d normally be right EXCEPT do you know what she pulls out of her bag here??


(sidenote: does this mean the butter pops are more like granola bars or something? I was thinking cereal but Grace unwraps something and refers to that one butter pop as her whole breakfast. I mean, I’m all for starving artists and actually could totally believe that Grace would eat like, one Reese’s Puff and call it good, but I’m juuuuuust wondering…)

So again, just a little nod to “haha here’s this established joke of ours for this in-universe funny-sounding thing, ha ha ha”?


While enjoying her breakfast of champions, Grace wonders what it is about them that makes them so addictive. Could it be the nutritious ingredients, mayhaps?

There is no ingredient list.


As curious as Grace is, she shrugs off the “no ingredients list” weirdness and moves on, announcing what her goal is: investigating the sideshow fire from 6 years ago, which apparently happened on private land owned by the same family that owns the infamous Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp. Grace notes that the desk clerk wouldn’t talk about the fire, and did point out that the camp is empty currently, but would soon be swarming with children (we saw in the prologue what happens when people visit the empty camp PLEASE DON’T GO THERE GRACE). She wonders why the fancy family who owns the land wants a bunch of screaming kids running around during the summer, ahem, “unless they’re sacrificing them to ghosts of those who died in the fire.” Ha. Ha ha. Ha.

Apparently Grace wanted to call the camp, but she doesn’t have service (of course) and apparently the desk clerk pretended the landline was down. Good. Good good. Determined to get answers, she sets out to the town to ask around about the fire. When we next hear from her, she’s ecstatic to report she was RIGHT and that the Hag of Hackett’s Quarry legend ties into the Harum Scarum Show fire. Apparently she tried talking to the older townspeople and they wouldn’t tell her anything, but the younger ones totally did. She cuts herself off though, saying she wants to save that story for the next episode with Anton because it’s so good. :’) Grace please I hope you make it back to Anton

Grace then makes the super smart decision to camp alone in the woods at night (well, outskirts of the woods). Things start off lighthearted enough–she’s clearly a little on edge, but she jokes about how even though it would suck to be killed by a bear, at least she could come back as a ghost and haunt Anton. After she hears some rustling outside, she decides to check it out, finding nothing but…a squirrel. (Though she does point out that it could be a ghost squirrel)

Actually making the smart decision for once, Grace decides she’s had enough, she’s scared, and she’s packing up to leave. We hear sounds of her presumably packing things up, followed by wolves howling, and then, of all things…the peanut butter butter pops theme song.

We have one more episode to go, and if I had to guess, I’d say we can probably expect it to come out on Thursday as a final hoorah before the game’s release on Friday. Look, I know it’s a podcast for a horror game, but I reeeeaaaaally want Grace to make it out okay :’) we can’t tell from the end of the episode if she actually makes it out of the woods and back to the motel okay, so…who knows. The final episode is titled “The Hag of Hackett’s Quarry” where I hope we’ll finally be able to learn about the full story of the Harum Scarum show and the fire that caused the ghost stories. And I hope we’ll learn that Grace is okay. Please. PLEASE.


We are days away my friends!! Before I close us out for now, I’m noting some potentially interesting timeline things we have learned up to this point (that I remember–there may be more??)

We know that Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp was established in 1953, at least according to the camp sign we see in the preview. Assuming the game takes place in 2022, this means the camp has been running for 69 years now (obligatory “lol 69” comment here). Thanks to Grace’s comments and efforts from the newest podcast episode, we know that the sideshow fire was only 6 years ago, so again assuming the game takes place in 2022, the fire was in 2016 (I feel like America generally was on fire in 2016 so this fits). We also know that peanut butter butter pops were discontinued 15 years ago, so 2007. So if peanut butter butter pops are indeed tied to werewolves or the general story as a whole, there’s a nine year gap between them being discontinued and the sideshow fire (although as we know from Grace, people are still finding them to eat even years later).

What does ANY of this mean?? I dunno, fam. Hoping for more answers on Thursday if we get the new episode then, and then after that…IT’S GAME TIME.

I will admittedly only be playing during the morning or hours of excessive daylight because I absolutely have more of a scaredy-cat fascination with horror. Also–peanut butter butter pops merch when??

That’s all for now friends! Happy Quarry release week, and I may see you all on Thursday with a podcast update!

The Quarry: Updates #2!



Not only do we finally have a new Bizarre Yet Bonafide to dig into, we also have some new social media posts as well (it’s finally Abigail’s turn!).

Let’s dive right in, shall we?

(If you haven’t been following along up to this point, here is the first post about The Quarry, and here is the second post with some of the updates.)

Click the image above to check out the Instagram!


We have four new posts to dive into!

  1. The first is the traditional introductory short video for Abigail–as per usual, I can’t make out all of the quick moments it flashes to, but we do seem to have the usual “shot of the same character but now they’re covered in blood,” a sketch of what looks to be a woman with long hair, Abigail screaming, and a close-up of a padlock.
    1. Abigail is described as “the artist,” and it makes me wonder if we’ll have some nice sketchbook moments a la Life is Strange 2. Maybe? No? If nothing else, we may have some instances of Abigail taking on the role of “creepy child who draws creepy things in a horror setting” cliche–could the long-haired woman be the infamous “Hag of Hackett’s Quarry”? (Although, if the Hag is indeed Eliza, we never see her with her hair down…)
    2. What’s with the padlock? So far the only padlock we’ve seen has been in the prologue, but that was tied to Max and Laura, not Abigail…are there other creepy cellars around the camp full of creepy creatures? AND WHY DO WE INSIST ON HAVING A SUMMER CAMP HERE???
  2. The second post is the second introductory video that uses words to describe our counselor friend: Abigail’s are “the artist, shy, creative, quiet” and then the “negative” trait for her is “nervous” and we see two different shots, one of Abigail crawling through some presumably underground tunnel and then her running from…something while she screams. Lovely.
    1. These “negative” traits crack me up because like?? Um??? I, too, would absolutely be nervous in her position??? Excuse me?????
  3. The third post is our favorite podcast ad: the title of the new episode on an old-timey computer monitor with the “Rabbit Hole” post-it note in the corner.
  4. The fourth post is a short lil clip (I’m assuming from the game) that shows Abigail in some sort of dark corridor with a large…vent? behind her. At the start, there is a silhouette of something on one side, but as the camera pans across Abigail’s face, the silhouette is then gone. We hear something whisper (likely) “Abby…” but there’s no one there when Abigail turns around. She faces forward again, and we see a different (?) silhouette cross in front of her.
    1. As of now, I’m going to theorize that the silhouette in the beginning and the whispering individual are the same, and they’re Eliza. The silhouette looks to be someone maybe wearing a dress, and we know how fond Eliza is of whispering ominously to people (see: her whispering “Silas” to Laura in the prologue. Seriously Eliza…why?). Because the silhouette disappears so quickly, it’s possible that it could be one of the monsters, but I don’t think it’s the same type as the one Laura sees in the cellar in the prologue (though those do move rather quickly)–that one just looked gangly with long, awkward limbs, and this silhouette looks decidedly more human. Maybe. Being able to disappear like that doesn’t necessarily put me off of it being Eliza, as she could be a ghost of some sort. After all, she was able to sneak up very suddenly on Laura, and her clips in the story highlights allude to her not being fully human. But, that’s just a guess!
    2. The second silhouette is a lot harder to make out–it definitely walks like a normal alive human, but it’s hard to tell who it could be. It’s also hard to tell if Abigail actually sees them or not–she’s not thrown off by their presence if she does see them, which makes me think it could be another counselor, but again, it’s kinda unclear.
    3. Where exactly is Abigail in this clip? As we can tell from the camp map, there isn’t really a location that could logically be an underground site (unless it’s the Tree Walk? WHAT IS A TREE WALK), which makes me think there’s either some spooky underground tunnel stuff going on under the camp, OR…that’s the infamous Hackett’s Quarry itself. Which we probably shouldn’t explore. But we’re going to anyway.
Click the image above to check out the TikTok page!


Currently we have three new videos to discuss, all centered around our lovely new friend Abigail!

  1. The first is the same as the first introductory video for Abigail that’s on Instagram.
  2. The second video is the traditional point-of-view post for each counselor–for Abigail, it’s her showing off a bunch of photos she took! The first is the top part of a house at night (maybe the Lodge?), the second is a really spooky shot of the forest at night, the third is a shot of the super big full moon over the lake, and the last few come really quickly and cut in and out with shots of a ghostly silhouette. The text says that she saw a woman in the woods, but that woman doesn’t show up in any of the photos…
    1. couple things here FIRST OFF–what kinda awesome camera is Abigail using for these super clear night shots?? Amazing.
    2. Listen, I’m not saying the monster is werewolves…buuuuut they do keep highlighting a full moon on the night the counselors are stuck there. Sooooooooooo….werewolves.
      1. (this does however contradict a few things–if a full moon is to blame, why is it that the counselors cannot show up a night early or be there a night later? It’s not like the full moon just says peace out for a week so that kids can hang out at the summer camp, right? Why is there a monster that attacks Max and Laura when they show up early? Why is there such fear around being at the camp one night longer? Okay fine, maybe not werewolves…or maybe werewolves are just one of the things they have to worry about…)
    3. And now for probably the most important part of the video–the ghostly woman who Abigail saw, but doesn’t show up in the photographs. So I mean, she could be a vampire, or a ghost. Is it Eliza? Is it Anne Radcliffe the mysterious missing hiker?? Is it someone else entirely??? I mean, it could be a friend.
  3. The third video is the same as the clip of Abigail walking somewhere dark from Instagram.
    1. Watching it through this time though, it does look like Abigail is looking behind her the entire time the second silhouette is walking, and then the second silhouette stands in a corner frozen when Abigail turns back around. Um? Excuse me?? Why??? Abigail herself looks fairly beat-up in this clip, so I’m assuming this is late enough in the game that we know something supernatural is going on, and it’s not someone playing a joke on her. Hopefully. People in the comments are speculating that the second silhouette is Laura…maybe? It’s so hard to make out. It could be Emma, since it looks like they’re supposed to be best friends, but again…we just can’t tell.
    2. Also, it’s worth noting that the Supermassive Games account commented on this video saying “Not everything is as it seems…” so uh…thanks, guys. Now I’m questioning absolutely everything.

That’s it for social media updates for now–let’s dive into the podcast!!

Click the image above to check out the podcast!

Look, I think every episode of this show is good, but THIS ONE. THIS ONE IS SO GOOD.

We begin with Grace being unusually unenergetic and Anton in a seemingly great mood, and we soon find out why: remember the whole thing about “there was a dead body that these kids found but when the police went back to investigate it was missing and there’s no evidence of it being moved so wtf where did it go?” Yeah…turns out the whole thing was uh, fake. The kid made the whole thing up to scare his girlfriend (remember? His girlfriend who is attending the summer camp? Charming).

(It’s worth noting that Anton mentions here that he told Grace the whole thing could have been a case of “the boy who cried wolf,” and turns out, it was…and look I’m not saying the monster is werewolves but like……..we keep mentioning wolves here…………)

Grace uses this as a segue into her next theory, discussing ghost stories involving women scorned.

(Before diving into that, there’s a brief moment worth mentioning: the return of peanut butter butter pops! We learn a little more about this…cereal? as Anton makes fun of Grace for eating them because they were discontinued ages ago. Grace defends herself by saying she found them in the freezer when she moved in, and everyone knows stuff in the freezer doesn’t go bad. Anton is disgusted. So, again, it’s possible all this butter pop stuff could just be used to aid in world-building and to show us that the podcast and the game are all in the same universe, but…what if there’s more to it than that? If the butter pops were discontinued ages ago, why does Kaitlyn sing the theme song for them? Is it one of those urban legend type things? DO THE PEANUT BUTTER BUTTER POPS TURN YOU INTO A WEREWOLF??? Okay anyway…)

Grace discusses the various legends about the “White Lady” and how generally, they are all stories of a woman being wronged and then haunting a specific area, appearing as, you guessed it, a woman wearing white. Grace goes into two tales in particular: one of a woman whose husband locked her away when he went off to war because he didn’t trust her not to cheat on him while he was gone (charming) except he died in the war, and the woman wasted away. The story goes that she got so hungry she ended up trying to eat herself out of desperation, and when you come across her, you are hit with a strong sensation of hunger (this is where the “hangry” in the episode title comes in.)

The second story Grace tells is about a hitchhiker who drowns herself after her husband left her for another woman, so when you come across her, she is always dripping wet and bloated-looking. Fun!

There are so many different versions of the white lady story all across the globe, and different houses or locations each have their own specific white lady story. The first story Grace tells seems to be based on a German legend from the time of the Thirty Years’ War. Just as Grace describes, a nobleman locks his wife in the cellar of his manor so she couldn’t betray him, but he never returned, and she died, supposedly haunting the premises. Interestingly, that manor was recently renovated, and workers found no evidence of human remains in the cellar. Which just…it just makes me think of Grace’s whole “missing dead body” story–like I know that was debunked, but it’s just an interesting coincidence.

From what I can tell, there isn’t one specific white lady legend that Grace’s second story is based on. There are legends of white ladies who drowned themselves, but not for the reason Grace states. There are legends of white ladies who often appear as hitchhikers, and after being taken into the car, they cause it to crash somehow. There are countless legends of white ladies with traitorous husbands or lovers, and they often come back to haunt unfaithful men. The closest example I could find is actually a white lady legend from Dallas, Texas of all places. Described as “The Lady of White Rock Lake,” she often appears completely soaked in an evening dress from the 1930’s, where she asks anyone who pulls over to be taken home. She usually disappears during the car ride and leaves the backseat drenched–thanks. Reportedly, she was a drowning victim from a boating accident.

(So what could this all mean? It’s likely no coincidence that the clip of Abigail saying she took photographs of a woman who never showed up in the pictures was posted right around the time this episode came out. It’s also worth noting that Grace says these legends are often called “the lady in white” or “the hag of somewhere” when I could, in fact, not really find any legends that referred to these spirits as “hags” (could be on me though, I’m sure something exists!). We have, of course, heard of something very similar in the trailer where Ryan says “the hag of Hackett’s Quarry.” We assume this is, in fact, Eliza. So, is that what’s going on with her? Is Eliza a white lady spirit, haunting the woods? In order to qualify for that title, she had to be greatly wronged in life…so again, what exactly happened at the Harum Scarum show? Who or what wronged Eliza in life? Is she calling for Silas in the woods because he wronged her, or was that her son and the mysterious father figure did something unforgivable? Lots to think about!

ALSO ALSO–it’s worth noting (how many times can I say that) that multiple white lady legends involve them being especially active…*drum roll please*…during a full moon.


ALSO ALSO ALSO–since so many of the legends for white ladies involve them “testing” people on how good of a person they are and how well they treat the people in their lives, I’m sure that’ll play into the game somehow. The devs have talked about how you can really affect your relationships with other characters in this game, so it’ll probably behoove us to be friendly to all our counselor buddies…lest the white lady comes along and we fail her test)

Grace then goes onto confirm that she’s bringing up these legends because there have been sightings of a white lady (or “hag”) in none other than Hackett Woods!! Anton still doesn’t think the missing hikers have anything to do with this, to which Grace is like “awww man juuuuuust wait till you see what I have planned…” she hints that the next episode will be a little different, and she has plans for something a little more “hands-on” for next time…Anton asks her to please not do anything dangerous.

This is, however, the podcast for a horror game, so uh…

Basically, I’m thinking next episode could go a few different ways:

  1. Grace goes to Hackett Woods to investigate everything in person. She manages to drag Anton along with her, and the episode is recorded as the two of them trek through the woods investigating. It ends on a possible cliffhanger when they hear an ominous noise or something.
  2. Grace went to Hackett Woods alone, and Anton hasn’t heard from her since. The episode could be a mix of recordings Grace took while she was there that Anton got a hold of and his own reactions to it as he makes the trip to Hackett Woods himself to find her.
  3. Grace went to Hackett Woods alone, but made it back, and the episode is her desperately trying to convince Anton of all the weird stuff she saw. Anton still doesn’t believe it, but he’s never seen Grace like this, I mean she is visibly shaken and doesn’t seem to be messing with him…hmmm…therefore, the next and final episode is the two of them going back there together.

My biggest fear is that Grace and Anton will not live through the end of this podcast series…I KNOW IT’S A HORROR GAME LEAVE ME ALONE I WANT THEM TO BE OKAY.

The episode ends with the peanut butter butter pops jingle again, followed by the usual creepy voice that talks about The Quarry.

The next episode is titled “No Hoax Without Fire” and I just…I just want Grace and Anton to be okay :’)

As for when the final two episodes will be released? I have…no idea. I thought they were goin on an “every two weeks” thing, but the game comes out in three weeks, so unless the last episode is being released after the game, I’m hoping we’ll be getting the next two episodes sooner rather than later. Mostly because I’m super nervous for Grace. I’VE GOTTEN ATTACHED, OKAY?

That’s all we’ve got for now, folks! Now that all of the counselor videos are out, I’m not really sure what the social media plan is from here on in? They could do stuff for the adult characters, of course, but I don’t know how likely that is since they really want to keep them steeped in mystery. If anything, I feel like we’ll probably get more of Eliza, since she was sort of the poster child for those “impossible questions” things over on Instagram. Or we might just get more counselor content, which I wouldn’t be mad about!


See y’all in the next update post!

The Quarry: Updates!

As promised, “The Quarry” social media has been quite alive and kicking since my initial post theorizing about the game based off of everything released so far, and I am once again here to overanalyze and dive right in!

Also throwing in some stuff here that I missed the first time around because I don’t know how Instagram works. It’s fine.

This particular post will cover updates made on Instagram and TikTok–there is no new podcast episode sadly, BUT we do know that the next episode will release on May 19th and I am READY. I’ve missed Grace and Anton, I hope they’re doing well in their little spooky world ❤

Click the image above to check out the Instagram!


Let’s begin by talking about what I missed last time–the little circles at the top of the profile page which I have been informed are “story highlights” I think?

Anyway, currently there are four circles: “DEATH,” “WTF,” “CRYPTIDS,” and “History.”

  1. DEATH–in a frame looking like a potential “Death” tarot card, we see Eliza! She welcomes us to “the show” saying that yes, it is exciting, and terrifying. There are some spooky cuts and sound editing. Eliza then says “this is what might come to pass. A possible future. A path yet unchosen.” At the same time, we see some sort of tarot card burning at the edges in front of us and the text “Make an impossible choice.” There are then some spooky questions for the viewer to answer:
    1. Are you afraid of dying? (the image we see is a tarot card–potentially the Death card)
    2. Death by immolation or drowning? (the image we see is a lovely charred corpse on one side and a peaceful-looking surface of water on the other side)
    3. Would you rather be lost in the woods or lost at sea? (on top, we see Laura from the prologue in the woods and on the bottom, we see who I assume to be Emma swimming in the lake)
    4. Do you believe in afterlife? (the image we see is a lovely group of clouds at sunset. Or sunrise.)
    5. Would you rather be buried or cremated? (on top, some guy throwing dirt into a grave in slow-motion and on the bottom, a casket in flames. Nice.)
    6. After that, it cuts back to Eliza, who says “Help me help you. And remember–what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.”
      2. It’s hard to tell how much of this is actually pointing at in-game knowledge, or just serves as a fun marketing scheme for their choice-based game. Both make sense, but if it is pointing at in-game stuff, that leads to more questions.
      3. Is there an in-game reasoning for why they chose the questions they did? If nothing else, it may just be reminding us that each character has like, 10-12 different possible death scenes. Yikes.
      4. Having Eliza say the phrase “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger” is on the one hand, a fun nod to what we saw in the Prologue as Laura found that phrase on the bottom of the camp map. But on the other hand, it makes you wonder…how exactly is the summer camp connected to the Harum Scarum show? If that phrase is more of the camp’s tagline, why does Eliza know and use it here? Does that also point more to what the monsters could be in the game? Werewolves? Vampires?…Zombies? Could be anything where the lore involves some element of turning into the creature after a bite or a scratch that doesn’t kill the victim. Or something. And does any of this have to do with “Silas the Dog Boy” and his destroyed cage in the woods? HMMMMM…
  2. WTF–this one is all about our friendly neighborhood paranormal podcast, Bizarre Yet Bonafide. It mostly seems to be the preview posts we discussed last time, where the title cards for each episode are displayed on an old-timey computer monitor with the sticky note “Rabbit Hole” in the corner.
    1. Nothing new here, and it only has the posts for the first two episodes. But it still begs the question–why the use of the “Rabbit Hole” sticky note?? WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? Is there some Alice in Wonderland lore we’re gonna need to watch out for now????
  3. CRYPTIDS–Eliza’s back! This is another round of questions for the viewer, and this one starts with Eliza leaning back in a chair, a big crow friend perched by her shoulder (yay crow friend!!). She’s looking up, not at us, as she says “I was hoping you’d come back to me.” Once she does look at us, we get some spooky cuts before it fades to black and she gives us the same introduction of “this is what might come to pass…” so on and so forth. The questions this time around are:
    1. Have you ever experienced “a glitch in the matrix?” (the image for this one looks like it could be Laura’s eye looking in the cellar from the prologue, but it could be something we haven’t seen yet. Shots of eyes looking into small openings are classic horror fodder, after all. However, signs do point to it being Laura because we see the…thing she saw in the cellar, and the last clip is Laura walking away. Still though, who knows?)
    2. Do you think reality is simply a simulation? (The image here is a slow pan back and forth across three different computer monitors. Maybe security cameras? The first two seem to mostly be showing woodland with nothing of note there, but the third monitor has the rainbow screen of death…something interfered with the feed. GOOD. AWESOME. We then see our pal Dylan before it cuts to the next question)
    3. Have you seen or heard anything unexplainable in nature? (the image here is shirtless Jacob looking around the woods at night…is this right before he steps in that rope trap that pulls him up upside-down? Babes get OUT OF THERE what are you DOING)
    4. Ever felt unwelcome in nature or being “studied?” (the image here first is what might be a tree at night with a spider crawling along, and then it cuts to a worn sign that reads “WARNING QUARRY AREA KEEP OUT” so…naturally, they won’t be doing that)
    5. Which is more likely to actually exist: Aliens, visiting and walking among us, or cryptids (sasquatch, chupacabra, mothman)? (the image here is a drawing on the left of some guy with squid tentacles for a face (CTHULU????) and a hand below that covered in little suckers like an octopus, and on the right, a drawing of, presumably, our friend Bigfoot)
      1. Hoo boy there is a LOT to unpack here! For starters, it’s worth noting that this is the first time in game-specific advertising that cryptids have been mentioned. They dive into it a lot in the podcast, but the game hasn’t really gone there yet. Until now! This isn’t totally surprising, given the nature of Until Dawn and the confirmation that The Quarry is functioning as a spiritual successor, but it’s still fun knowledge to have.
      2. What is up with all the speak about life being a simulation and “glitches in the matrix?” Unless it’s a fun little conspiracy theory one of our counselor friends happens to have. But maybe it’s referencing what’s going on at the camp in general–is it some sort of experiment? Is that what happened to the Harum Scarum show, or are they in on it? Speaking of…
      3. Odd how the “cryptid” section spends a lot of time talking about reality being a simulation and being “studied” in nature. Tie that into the question about whether aliens living among us or cryptids are more likely, and it opens up this whole other branch about game story possibilities. Is the camp, and therefore the whole quarry area, some sort of alien experiment studying humans? Seeing the aliens could lead to rumors about cryptids, after all. It’s not my favorite theory, right now it kind of gives off “it was all a dream” vibes and I think the overall story would benefit from a neater twist than that. Still, I think there’s probably a way to pull it off.
      4. All of this also makes you wonder…why on EARTH are they still hosting a children’s summer camp every year in this area full of experimenting aliens and missing hikers and cryptids and whoever knows what else?? Clearly, some characters are aware of the dangers outside of the “safe” time when the camp actually happens (Chris is agitated and worried about the counselors staying an extra night in the trailer, and Sheriff Travis really tries his best (kinda) to make sure Max and Laura don’t arrive at the camp until they’re supposed to) so why the insistence on the camp happening in the first place? So far from what I gather there are no rumors about children attending the camp going missing, so they’re probably not being experimented on or whatever, so…why? What is so special about the summer camp, and why is it crucial to only be there during that exact timeframe and not a moment sooner or later?
      5. Does this have to do with what Grace was talking about in the podcast with the nix being more active on Thursdays
  4. History–I don’t know why the others are all capitalized and this one isn’t, but ANYWAY. Eliza’s here again! She seems more agitated and impatient in this one, for whatever that’s worth. She begins by saying “Two futures to see, but only one can be seen. Make your choice.” The questions for this section are as follows:
    1. Can you sleep with the closet door open? (the image for this one is the shot from the prologue where Travis stands in front of the open cellar door after chaos has ensued. I never noticed before the specific zoom in on the goosebumps on his neck…WHAT? WHY?? AAA????)
    2. Can a place have memories? (the image for this one is from the prologue as well–it’s when Laura is looking at the camp map)
    3. Does your hometown have a dark past? (the image for this one is a slow pan from the trees during the day over to a sign that reads “Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp est. 1953”)
    4. Has anyone died where you live now? (the image for this one is Max and Laura looking around the creepy cellar. Before Max is attacked. Poor Max)
    5. Would u burn it all down if it set the “stuff” trapped free? (the image for this one is a little hard to make out–it looks like the silhouette of some fairy lights with sparks flying around, a few of the tarot cards from the game blowing by, also burning at the edges. Hmmmm…)
      1. I’m assuming the “history” title is referencing the history of the Hackett’s Quarry area, which is what I hope we’ll get into in the podcast soon! All of the questions here seem to be pointing to the conclusion that yes, something terrible happened at Hackett’s Quarry. I mean, duh, but it’s fascinating to think about–can a place have memories? How many spooky stories involve a house where someone (or many someones) was killed? So the basic conclusion we can come to is that something absolutely awful happened at the Harum Scarum show and whatever it was, it lives on to haunt the summer camp, or at least the area in general.
      2. Why the specificity of the fire question? It could just be an allusion to the ending of Until Dawn when the characters blow the house up in order to survive, but…what if that’s one of the things that happened to the Harum Scarum show? Maybe the shot of the burning tarot cards blowing in the wind is from a scene where the show burns to the ground one night. This could also be discussed in the podcast episode titled “No Hoax Without Fire.” We’ll have to wait and see!

Now that we’ve covered the story highlights, let’s talk about the new posts!

  1. Nick is here!! His first intro video has a couple fast shots that are hard to make out, but from what I can tell, there’s a brief glimpse of him covered in blood, a brief shot of…a wolf face lunging? A wild boar? I can’t tell fam. There’s also a shot of him holding up a gun, but I can’t make out the other cuts.
  2. There’s a short little video with one of the official gifs released that shows Ryan yelling “HEY”
  3. Nick’s second video introduces him as “the nerd, polite, quiet, handsome” and then there’s a shot of him yelling while being pounced on by…something as it flashes to “smart.” WHY IS SMART HIS NEGATIVE TRAIT?? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN, GUYS
  4. There’s another clip from the third podcast episode, where Anton talks about how monstrous humans can be. Great.
  5. There’s a post about Anne Radcliffe!! As you may recall, Anne is one of the missing hikers that Grace identified in the podcast. Grace presumes Anne is the body that got up and walked away. The post is a missing persons poster for Anne, and we get to see her face! The text describes that she was last seen on March 15th driving to Hackett’s Woods Hiking Trail in North Kill, NY. What this does tell us is we don’t actually know for sure if she ever made it to Hackett’s Woods…could be alien abduction apparently, or she’s a werewolf. I love that they’re doing posts about the podcast!!
  6. The newest post is actually Part 1 of showing what everyone answered to the story highlight questions. Although some of the questions are not in those highlights, so they may have been in the actual story? Again, I don’t know how Instagram works. Interestingly, they’re all relatively evenly split, except for the overwhelming majority of people who said they’d rather be lost in the woods than at sea. We’ve all seen Shark Week. We understand.
    1. The post starts with Eliza again, saying “there’s no shame in not wanting to glimpse into the futures that may come to be. All I’m trying to do is help. The last thing I want to do is take your choices from you, like mine were taken from me.” Wh–what? Eliza? You okay?? What choices were taken from you??
      1. maybe she’s just talking about her choices when it came to abortion were taken away haha thanks america
    2. One of the questions new to me is “Something’s coming. Who do you save?” and the choices are “my best friend” or “my partner/crush.” Most people chose the friend, but it’s not an overwhelming majority. The two people pictured are Nick and Emma…is this an Abigail question? Does she have to choose between them?? Ughhhhhhhhhhh
    3. Another new question is “do you feel like you truly know your friends and family?” Most people said yes, but again, not an overwhelming majority. What’s interesting to note is the picture they show here, a black and white framed photograph of two boys on the shores of the lake, smiling. Iiiiiiiinteresting…who are they? Did Chris, the head of the camp, have a brother at one point? We know Supermassive looooooves tragic stories about siblings (RIP Beth, Hanna, and Josh (#JOSHDESERVEDBETTER))…HMMMMMMMM
    4. Another new question is “do you trust your friends and family with your life?” and this was a bigger gap in answers, with 70% of people trusting their peeps. The image here is the counselors at their late-night bonfire party. Then there’s a brief cut to Ryan saying “wow…um…I guess ‘both’ is off the table?” which makes me think some of these questions may make an appearance in the game–maybe this is something the counselors talk about at the bonfire, and the player gets to answer these questions in the game as well. A fun idea, I like it! Also, I’m terrified at how choosing specific answers may affect my playthrough! I’m stressed out now!
    5. One important thing to note is that in this video, I was finally able to make out the burning tarot card that briefly passes by on all of these videos about impossible choices–The Tower. Props to Supermassive, here, because with this knowledge, I once again remain cautiously optimistic about how tarot will be used in the game. While Death is the card that most people glom on to as “THIS IS THE BAD CARD” it’s not necessarily the case–more often than not, the Death card could refer to new beginnings, the death of something that was holding you back, so on and so forth. It symbolizes an ending, but more importantly, it symbolizes a new beginning. The Tower is actually the card you really want to watch out for. While the meaning varies depending on everything from the placement of the card in the spread to the reader giving the reading and how they interpret the cards, it’s roughly true that the Tower is generally…not great. It can represent anything like sudden upheaval because of tragedy, chaos, destruction, sudden change that doesn’t feel good, so on and so forth (again, it depends on the context of the spread). Ultimately, this chaos and destruction could be beneficial, but usually this card points to, shall we say, the storm before the calm, and it probably isn’t going to be a fun ride. What does this mean for the game? NOTHING GOOD, PROBABLY.

That’s everything from Instagram for now!

Click the image above to check out the TikTok page!


We have three new videos to look at!

  1. The first is the same as Instagram, the first intro video for Nick with flashes to him holding a gun and a wolf/wild boar?
  2. The second is from his point of view with a fun song playing and the text reading “SUMMER VIBES” and it’s all very harmless and happy, with lots of beautiful shots of him and Abigail exploring the camp near sunset. AWWWWW except then it cuts to him (and possibly Abigail?) yelling, a shot of him on the ground covered in blood, him being pounced on by something…YAY SUMMER VIBES AM I RIGHT
  3. The third is a clip of some of our counselor buddies talking and joking around: Dylan, Ryan, and Kaitlyn are talking about a podcast (I’m assuming it’s a podcast Ryan is listening to and I’m assuming….it’s Bizarre Yet Bonafide). Dylan asks what it’s about, asking if it’s about him 😉 and Ryan goes into panic mode like “YOU…THINK I’M LISTENING TO A PODCAST…ABOUT YOU” Kaitlyn says “okay if anyone here had a podcast about them, it’d be me.” Dylan then fires back “yeah, if there was a podcast about how to look and smell like a butt.” Offended, Kaitlyn says “oh my god, you are so childish!” to which Dylan replies “at least I don’t look and smell like a butt” and then a cheesy laugh track plays. Iconic dorks, first of all, but this post also tells us when the next Bizarre Yet Bonafide is coming out–May 19th!!

Those are all the updates we have for now! I will of course post another update when the new podcast episode is out, and we may have some other social media updates by then as well. We still need counselor videos about Abigail, but once those are out, I’m not sure what’s next on the plate…will we get similar videos for Chris and the other adult characters, or do they have something else up their sleeve since the other characters are not playable ones for us?

Also, fingers crossed we find out what happened to Anne Radcliffe. I’m sure she’s fine.


Splicing Up The Details of “The Quarry”–Everything We Know So Far (plus some theorizing!)

Do you ever see a preview for something and you get just like, irrationally excited for it and it becomes essentially your entire personality for the foreseeable future?

No just me?

Okay cool


In 2015, the developer Supermassive Games released Until Dawn, a sort of choose-your-own-adventure novel come to life with impressive graphics and even more impressive acting thanks to a full cast featuring the likes of Hayden Panettiere and Rami Malek (am I biased? Yes leave me alone). Though Supermassive had worked on a few games prior, Until Dawn was their first big success even with the lackluster advertising for it on Sony’s part (isn’t that always the way?). The game was certainly a love letter to classic horror tropes and stories, featuring a drama-filled group of teenagers, a giant mansion in the middle of nowhere, a serial killer in a creepy mask, mysterious creatures in the woods, and of course, absolutely heartbreaking plot twists and story elements.

The game also heavily makes use of the butterfly effect mechanic–basically, the smallest decisions made early on can have the most disastrous consequences later (the effect was named for the idea that a tornado can be caused by something as seemingly inconsequential as a butterfly flapping its wings weeks earlier). It really takes the whole “your actions have consequences” to the next extreme level, as all of the characters’ fates are in your hands and it’s possible to get through the game with everyone alive…or dead. Up to you!

Despite some backlash in the years since its release (the use of the wendigo and some characters’ fates being unalterable no matter what you do #JOSHDESERVEDBETTER I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL), it still has a massive fan following and proved that Supermassive could bring something new to the horror game genre.

This is important to note because the horror game scene at this time was ruled by one particular indie series: Five Nights at Freddy’s. Since the first installment’s release in mid-2014, we were all swarmed by sequels and fangames and anything even remotely similar that you could imagine. No matter one’s personal opinions on it, the FNaF series absolutely changed everything and inspired a whole swath of games focused on childhood memories made creepy, games with a 5-night/chapter format, games set in the 70’s and 80’s filled with dead children and their ghosts for some reason? etc. and so on. By 2015 though and the release of FNaF 4, it was becoming clear that some horror fans wanted something different, the tried-and-true FNaF formula becoming a little stale. Combine that environment with the recent success earned by choice-driven story games such as Beyond: Two Souls and Life is Strange, Supermassive really had the perfect time handed to them to release Until Dawn, and I think that was part of the reason for its success.

That, and I and many others just really like the game.


Following the massive success of Until Dawn, Supermassive got to work on a “non-canonical” spin-off called Until Dawn: Rush of Blood and a prequel called The Inpatient. Following that, Supermassive continued working in the horror scene by releasing a series of games as a part of what they call The Dark Pictures Anthology. So far three games have been released in the series and a fourth is on the way. (I haven’t personally been following Dark Pictures but I keep meaning to, that’s on me.)

Alas, years passed, and it seemed like the horror game trope of controlling dumb but lovable teenagers in an impossible situation was all but forgotten by Supermassive…


Officially unveiled on March 18 this year and officially considered a spiritual successor to Until Dawn, The Quarry gives players the chance to save (or not) a whole quirky group of camp counselors, stuck at a summer camp longer than they should be.

While the game isn’t set to come out until June 10 (giving me plenty of time to decide if I’ll be able to actually play it myself or just watch someone else deal with everything), Supermassive and IGN First have been releasing plenty of content for us to sink our teeth into while we wait.

So, just for fun (and because this game is my current hyperfixation), let’s dive into roughly everything we know so far and can theorize about based on what’s floating out on the Internet currently.


On the surface, here’s what we know for sure: players will take control of 9 different camp counselors throughout the game and make various decisions that range from the seemingly mundane to the absolutely critical, ultimately deciding their fates. Just like in Until Dawn, it’s possible to save all the characters (exceptforJoshWHODESERVEDBETTER) but it’s also possible to kill everyone off–it all depends on what decisions you make. And also just like in Until Dawn, you only have one night to save (or kill) everyone.

We also know the tagline for the game: “you won’t believe what you’ll become.” Cute!

As for the characters, according to the official website, the camp counselors are as follows:

  1. Laura (counselor, played by Siobhan Williams)–definitely seems to be the no-nonsense, organized one of the group. She is “excited to spend a quiet summer in the woods” before she begins her veterinarian studies in the fall. Oh, my sweet summer child…
  2. Max (counselor, played by Skyler Gisondo)–Laura’s class clown boyfriend, noted for having a “friendly attitude and unfaltering loyalty.” I’m sure that won’t come back to bite him. Literally.
  3. Abigail (counselor, played by Ariel Winter)–seems to be the quiet, artsy, romantic of the group. She’s described as being “sweet and sincere,” which unfortunately means she probably won’t last that long. I could be wrong, though!
  4. Kaitlyn (counselor, played by Brenda Song)–basically described as being the exact opposite of Abigail, Kaitlyn is outgoing and often the de facto leader of the group. Apparently though she isn’t the best at “express[ing] her own needs in stressful situations.” Good thing this game won’t have any stressful situations! Haha. Ha.
  5. Nick (counselor, played by Evan Evagora)–described as that classic teen heartthrob serving us a classic combination of handsomeness and hidden vulnerability. Also, he’s apparently bad at letting people in. Cue the swarms of “I CAN FIX HIM” girls.
  6. Emma (counselor, played by Halston Sage)–because it wouldn’t be a modern horror media piece without some selfie footage, Emma is our “aspiring influencer” and the individual in charge of drama activities at the camp.
  7. Ryan (counselor, played by Justice Smith)–all I can think of based on his description on the website is that meme about Jughead from Riverdale. You know the one. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a weirdo. I’m weird. I don’t fit in.” Now all he needs is a signature hat.
  8. Dylan (counselor, played by Miles Robbins)–apparently beloved for his “oddball humor” and musical knowledge? But like any good teenager, he’s “terrified of rejection.”…actually, do any of us ever grow out of that?
  9. Jacob (counselor, played by Zach Tinker)–IT’S THE JOCK BOY! HERE HE IS! I will note also that his description specifically mentions how he wants all his counselor buddies to have a fun time…but specifically Emma. ~ooOOooOOooh~
  10. Chris (camp owner, played by David Arquette)–described as the father figure of the summer camp, I’m sure he will be super good at making sure nothing awful happens to any of the counselors. Really. Definitely. For sure.
  11. Travis (sheriff, played by Ted Raimi)–his website description is ominously short and tells us…nothing. Except that he intends to protect and serve. But…protect and serve what exactly?
  12. Jedediah (ominous old man, played by Lance Henriksen)–his description is unhelpfully “they can’t wait to meet you…” so…uh…maybe he’s nice?
  13. Bobby (ominous big shoulder man, played by Ethan Suplee)–same description, so…maybe also nice?
  14. Constance (ominous old woman, played by Lin Shaye)–I’m sure definitely nice?
  15. Eliza (ominous old woman #2, played by Grace Zabriskie)–her description is “she knew you were coming…” so maybe she had cookies ready for us? That would be nice.

The website also features the trailer, some screenshots, descriptions for the fun add-ons included in the pre-order bonus, a FAQ, and a podcast (more on that later).

So, armed with that knowledge, let’s dive into the trailer.

Click the image above to see the trailer!


The trailer starts happily enough, seeing a school bus full of happy, singing children heading back home after another cheerful year at summer camp. Some of the camp counselors are seeing them off–we can make out 5 of the 9 counselors here. We can clearly see Jacob, Kaitlyn, and Emma, but the two figures on the balcony are out of focus, and we can only guess…perhaps Abigail and Nick? One of them does seem to be wearing the red flannel Nick wears in other clips, and based on the hints that he and Abigail become ~a thing~ we can assume she might be with him. Again, though, it’s not explicitly clear. If that is the case, however, the counselors missing from this shot are Laura, Max, Ryan, and Dylan. Dunno if that means anything, but we believe in over-analyzing in this house.

Next, the trailer shows us Chris (owner of the camp) telling an unseen counselor that he wants to get the kids safely home before sunset. However…the car won’t start. Because this is a horror thing, after all. Chris seems to have an irrational reaction to this bump in the road, however, frustratingly telling the counselors that he “thought [he] told them to check everything.” In this next shot, we can clearly make out Kaitlyn, Emma, and Abigail, but the two figures on the right aren’t as clear–could be Dylan and Ryan or Nick, however. It’s Jacob, though, who tells Chris to chill; they’ll all just spend one more night at the camp, it’s not that big a deal. Chris practically yells that NO, it is a big deal!! And he says to stop, just let him think.

It’s worth noting that there are probable cuts here to make the trailer flow–Chris is inside the car when he voices his initial frustration, then he’s out of the car and standing when he asks them to let him think. So basically, it’s possible there are moments in the game between these lines not shown in the trailer. ~spooky~

The trailer then shows us various shots of the woods (possibly from the point of view of something running rather quickly through the woods), the outside of the lodge, Chris getting into a presumably working car while Ryan talks to him, and then Chris driving off. This is all shown while Chris talks over the images, telling the counselors to keep everyone inside, lock the doors, and do not let anyone in or out. He claims he’ll be back first thing in the morning. (Suuuuure, Chris)

So now we can establish something else the trailer likely shows us in order to throw us off. When Chris initially expresses his frustration at the counselors for not checking everything, it seems to imply that the car won’t start–perhaps repairs cannot occur until the following day, hence, the counselors are stuck at the camp an extra night. However, Chris is then shown driving off and leaving everyone there. Are there multiple cars? Is there some other problem Chris was referring to initially that wasn’t shown in the trailer? Unclear, potentially unimportant. We’ll find out!

We then cut to our favorite counselors having a bonfire on the beach that night–because a jumpy adult told them to stay inside, so naturally, they didn’t do that. I don’t know these actors well enough (yet) to recognize their voices, but as the next clips play, we hear one counselor suggesting to another that “hey wouldn’t it be totally spooky and crazy if we were out here partying and then we get hunted by people? I mean think about it, summer camp is over…hunting season has begun…” The clips shown here start to come a little faster–we have the bonfire, where we can clearly see 7 of our 9 counselors (at least in that shot) and it seems to be Kaitlyn, Dylan, Jacob, Ryan, Nick, Abigail, and Emma, meaning we’re missing Laura and Max. After that, we see a clip of what looks to be Dylan and Ryan walking around at night. Ryan is notably carrying around what appears to be a rifle of some sort strapped to his back. Next, a shot of two of the mysterious ominous other characters–perhaps Bobby and Jedediah? Then a clip of an unidentifiable character looking around a dark room, two characters walking ahead of them. The shaggy hair tells me it could be Max, but it’s unclear. Next, a short clip of two silhouetted characters in a doorway, potentially at the top of a staircase. It’s unclear who they are. Then, a clip of a carving in a tree, initially saying “Jacob + Emma 4 Ever” but “Ever” has been scratched out and “Summer” written underneath it instead. Ouch. Finally, we have a shot of someone’s eye looking through a crack, and someone breaking a lock with a wrench.

Next, we hear potentially Kaitlyn talk about how she saw a weird light in the treehouse across the lake, saying how it was “pretty spooky.” She turns to Ryan, saying maybe it’s his “girlfriend.” This is played over a clip of Kaitlyn showing something on her phone to Dylan and Ryan. This is cut quickly with Ryan (seemingly at the bonfire) saying in a spooky voice “the hag of Hackett’s Quarry.”

(sidenote–I could not for the life of me figure out what he was saying there until I was looking at the titles of future podcast episodes, one of which is titled “The Hag of Hackett’s Quarry.”)

So we can infer from here that Ryan was likely telling ghost stories at the bonfire (this is backed up by a later clip in the trailer), one of which is, we can assume, a local legend about whoever the mysterious hag is. We can also assume this is who Kaitlyn is referring to as Ryan’s girlfriend. Ha ha, teenagers.

Next, we get a clip of Abigail in some sort of dark ominous room, slowly turning around to face a large vent? Or something? as something whispers ominously (can’t tell what the whisper is saying–could be “Abby” or even “happy” but it also sounds a lot like when Voldemort would whisper “Harry” in the Harry Potter movies, so…idk fam). We then cut to Abigail and likely Nick, sitting super close together in some dark, undisclosed location. ~ooOOooOOooooh~ She asks if Nick heard that (maybe the whisper?) and asks if they should look at what it is.

(No!!! You should not!!! You should get out of there!! Do not investigate, do not pass Go, do not collect $200!)

It then very suddenly cuts to Abigail screaming, and then to black. See? This is why we never investigate!

Next, we see Dylan and likely Ryan, arguing about the mysterious culprit (we don’t know when in the game this conversation takes place, so it’s unclear what has happened to them up to this point prior to this conversation). Ryan suggests bears, which Dylan shoots down, causing Ryan to list other possibilities–zombies, aliens, and my personal favorite: “time-hopping Draculas.” Nice.

While he suggests other things, we get some more clips of that point of view that appears to be something running real fast through the woods. Then, we’re apparently back at the beach bonfire, with Ryan pointing the rifle at something off-screen. Someone says “uh…Ryan?”, Ryan yells “HEY!” at whatever he’s pointing the rifle at, and then everything cuts to black as we hear something growl/snarl/yell/roar.

The next clips all come REAL fast, so here’s what I was able to piece together:

  1. a very brief moment of what looks to be Bobby (ominous big shoulder man) hunched over and holding up…someone unconscious. Or dead. Can’t make out who the someone is. Bobby is caught in what could be the light from Ryan’s rifle thing. The rifle then fires.
  2. a clip of a shirtless Jacob being hauled up by one foot in some sort of trap thing, perhaps?
  3. shirtless Jacob being dragged away, except now the lighting is all red. Jacob (I assume) is yelling something during these clips, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. He does yell “please” at some point.
  4. some unknown voice says what I think is “we ain’t playing games no more, little girl” while we get more footage of “point of view of something unknown running real fast through the woods” and then a brief clip of some girl swimming (?) while she turns her head to look at something. Based on the hair, the girl could be Emma.
  5. a different unknown voice shouts that “there’s something…something coming!” while we see Travis the creepy sheriff shoot at something off-screen.
  6. while yet another unknown voice starts ominously counting to 3, we get a clip of Dylan walking into a room and yelling in fear at something unseen
  7. then a clip of an unknown individual running through the woods–based on the hair, this could be Laura
  8. then a clip of Ryan’s face
  9. before the creepy unknown voice gets to 3, we hear a different voice say “we’re lost Max, we’re lost” (thanks to the “first 30 minutes of gameplay” video released a few weeks ago (which I’ll cover next) we know this voice is Laura!) and we see a brief shot of a few of the counselors…in the woods? Looking for/being frightened of something? We can clearly make out Jacob, Abigail, Nick, and Kaitlyn in that moment
  10. next we see a shot of an unknown individual from behind, standing in front of an open doorway of some sort, potentially holding a gun (once again, thanks to the 30 minutes of gameplay video, we know this is Sheriff Travis!)
  11. the next audio clip we get is another unknown voice saying, quite helpfully, “terrified kids is bad for business.” You don’t say!
  12. under that audio, we see two different clips: one is two individuals in a car, driving off the road and through a fence (yet again, thanks to the gameplay video, we know this is Max and Laura!). The next clip is what looks to be Abigail, crawling through a tunnel of some sort while the screen shakes and rocks fall all around her.
  13. this next section is a doozy: while we hear an unknown voice desperately plead “you have to cut it off–cut it off, cut it off!!” (I’m assuming this will be referring to a limb of some sort? That’s unfortunate) we see a whole bunch of stuff–an out of focus close-up of someone reaching out and screaming, then possibly Travis’s eyes, then a dark room in what I’m assuming is the lodge with some characters looking up before a figure drops down in front of them (from what I can piece together, it looks like Dylan and Ryan playing with fire and then it actually cuts to a different moment (yay cinnamontography!) where it looks like Bobby is looking on in horror at some sort of…not-human thing (I’m just saying, the bit of silhouette we see is crouched in a not comfy position and its skin looks like it’s seen better days) and then it cuts again to yet another moment which we can confirm thanks to the gameplay video–it’s Max being jumped by something while Laura stands a few feet away, unsuspecting). WHEW.

After that crazy montage cuts to black, we jump to Chris talking with Ryan, chastising him for telling ghost stories (maybe this is where the “terrified kids is bad for business” line actually comes into play?). Chris jokingly tells him just to “stick to Kumbaya next time” but Ryan looks confused. After Chris asks in disbelief if they don’t do that anymore and Ryan just stares at him, the trailer moves on to probably my favorite montage of the whole thing: character introductions while a, yes, creepy version of “Kumbaya” plays in the background. Amazing. 10/10.

This is, of course, another fast-paced moment, so here’s what I can glean:

  1. a quick shot of someone whispering in someone’s ear (it’s hard to tell who either party is–however, thanks to the gameplay video, this could be Laura and Eliza)
  2. a quick shot of an unidentified figure running behind who I think is Laura (thanks to the gameplay video) out in the woods
  3. a shot of Chris, introducing them as being played by David Arquette (it’s worth noting that most of these shots introducing the characters and actors don’t seem to give that much away, at least on the surface–I will note some things)
  4. a shot of Abigail, introducing them as being played by Ariel Winter
  5. a shot of Ryan, introducing them as being played by Justice Smith
  6. a shot of Kaitlyn, introducing them as being played by Brenda Song
  7. a shot of Emma, introducing them as being played by Halston Sage
  8. a shot of Laura, introducing them as being played by Siobhan Williams
  9. a shot of Max, introducing them as being played by Skyler Gisondo
  10. a shot of Nick, introducing them as being played by Evan Evagora
  11. a shot of Dylan, introducing them as being played by Miles Robbins
  12. a shot of Jacob, introducing them as being played by Zach Tinker
  13. a shot of Travis, introducing them as being played by Ted Raimi
  14. a shot of Jedediah, introducing them as being played by Lance Henriksen (at first I thought he was wearing a hospital gown, but I don’t think that’s it–he does look…unwell, if that makes sense. I don’t see any visible blood, but he definitely looks angry and…yeah)
  15. a shot of Constance, introducing them as being played by Lin Shaye (this shot definitely has her talking to someone, but we don’t see whom–maybe she’s actually nice after all? Please?)
  16. a shot of Eliza, introducing them as being played by Grace Zabriskie (please. Please tell me that the room she’s in for this shot isn’t filled with skulls. Please tell me those aren’t skulls…they’re skulls, aren’t they)
  17. a shot of Bobby, introducing them as being played by Ethan Suplee (he looks very angry and redneck-y in this shot. Also very sweaty? WHAT WAS HE DOING PRIOR TO THIS)

The screen cuts to black again before revealing the title and other relevant release information, while an unknown voice says “hello my friend. Welcome…to the show.” (based on information from the gameplay video and the way the voice sounds, I think we can infer that this is Eliza speaking. What she’s welcoming us to and whether we want to be there or not…ehhhhhhhh)

Cool! We all good and confused now? Me too.

Click the image above to watch the video!


So like I mentioned before, IGN First released a video of the first 30 minutes of gameplay for The Quarry (so, essentially, we got the prologue).

(You can also find the first 30 minutes on the 2k Games channel and the Supermassive Games channel)

Basically: we are introduced to Laura and Max, two new camp counselors on their way to Hackett’s Quarry summer camp. Laura keeps insisting they are lost, while Max keeps insisting they are not. Suddenly, something is in the road in front of them, causing Max to swerve off the road. After crashing into (or narrowly avoiding, depending on your reflexes) a few things, Max and Laura exit the car so Max can survey any damage. While he works on that, Laura goes off investigating because she’s convinced it was a person they almost hit, and she wants to see if they need help. She finds a lot of weird things, but none of them are a person. Probably. Suddenly spooked, Laura runs back to the car and tells Max she saw something, they need to get back in the car and get out of there. Unfortunately, the engine is stalling, and this gives Travis the creepy sheriff a chance to come over to say hi. Travis asks what happened and where the kids are headed, which is when we learn that Max and Laura are one night early for camp, but Laura claims it’s okay because she called ahead and “they know we’re coming” (hey remember how Eliza’s character description is “she knew you were coming” hahahah cool). Travis insists that they will not head to camp tonight and instead will go to a nearby motel. He shows Laura the route on her map, but she uses this opportunity to learn the location of the camp as well. Totally turned off by the weird cop, Laura and Max head to the camp anyway. However, no one is there, and Max asks if Laura actually spoke with the owner or just left a voicemail (hint: it’s the latter). Frustrated, Max goes back to the car to leave, but Laura looks around a bit, spying something (or someone?) in some sort of storm cellar thing on the side of the lodge. It’s locked, so she asks Max to bring some tools over. After breaking the lock, Laura and Max head inside, where Laura spies a, um…rib cage? But instead of telling Max immediately, she doesn’t? And then Max is jumped by something. When Laura goes to him, he seems to be bleeding heavily from some sort of wound on his shoulder. Laura can decide to take him or leave him behind, but regardless: Max gets dragged away, screaming, and Laura gets injected with something that knocks her out. Travis shakes his head, shooting at something in the cellar, before yelling “DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE HARBINGER MOTEL TO YOU??”

(Yes. The motel is actually called “the Harbinger Motel.” In this instance though, I don’t think the motel would have been a harbinger of doom and may have saved them…ah well, we’ll never know.)

Good times!

The video shows us a few things:

  1. How the gameplay will work with the cutscenes. Like Until Dawn, The Quarry seems to mainly be an interactive movie of sorts, and it’s not shying away from that–so if that’s not your thing, you probably won’t enjoy this. Basically, cutscene segments will be interrupted occasionally with dialogue prompts or QTEs (quick time events) for various actions, whether that be dodging a branch while running from an unknown being, catching a falling phone, or deciding to look at a pamphlet or a map (WHAT KIND OF CONSEQUENCES COULD THIS DECISION HAVE I DON’T UNDERSTAND??). Basically, unless you have it set to Movie Mode, there’s never really a safe time for you to just be chilling and watching the action unfold–you never know when you’ll be called upon to make a decision. Exploration moments are interspersed with the cutscenes, allowing you to take control of a character and direct them to walk somewhere or investigate something–and fret not, there are plenty of choices in these moments as well (for example: do you snoop around in your boyfriend’s trunk to find his college rejection letter? It cracks me up that Laura asks herself why Max didn’t tell her about this but like–their character descriptions!! Laura, you’re an overachiever dating the class clown!! You apparently want to go to college together!! Of course he’d be nervous to tell you!!! Anyway)
  2. Collectibles! In Until Dawn, you could find various totems scattered throughout the game that could potentially help (or maybe hinder?) you in various ways. In the Prologue, it looks like those totems will be replaced by tarot cards, something I am very excited about. Appropriately, the card Laura finds is the Fool–generally, a card of new beginnings and possibly walking into the unknown. Yeah, that checks out. I’m excited to see if the tarot cards will play different roles like the totems did–perhaps different suits tell you something different, or it means something to find a major arcana card rather than a minor arcana card. Tarot is often misused in media (the Death card does not actually mean death, fam…) so I’m curious to see how it will be applied here. I’m sure the tarot cards tie into the poster Laura finds that seems to hint at Eliza (ominous old woman #2) being some sort of famous fortune teller or the like. This would also explain her line (if it is her speaking) at the end of the reveal trailer when she welcomes someone to a show.
  3. Situational hints! As Laura and Max talk with Travis, the player receives little notices on the side of the screen, alerting them to how, in this case, Travis is reacting to their choices. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out in the game, potentially warning us if characters don’t believe us when we’re lying to them, or letting us know how they’re feeling if they’re not being obvious about it. These hints seem to be more tied into the “smaller” choices you make throughout the game that affect relationships between characters more than anything else. Unlike the…
  4. BIG CHOICES. There are two instances in the Prologue where big choices happen, and you can tell that’s what they are because after you decide, the screen goes a little static-y and warns you that there has been a “PATH CHOSEN.” This is super ominous and will haunt me forever, thanks. Now, unlike in, say, Life is Strange, where the big choices are super obvious because the screen freezes for a bit to let you decide, this game doesn’t seem to make it that obvious–while the choice of helping or leaving Max definitely seems to be a big choice and makes sense that it is one, Laura’s conversation with Travis isn’t built up as a big choice and yet still gives you that ominous “PATH CHOSEN” screen. WHAT DOES IT MEAN. And will you be able to see the decision tree at some point so you can know where everything may have gone wrong so you can avoid that next time? Only time will tell.
  5. There’s something very wrong with Hackett’s Quarry…I mean, DUH. The big thing the trailer tells us is that it’s not a good thing AT ALL that the camp counselors are stuck there a night longer than they’re supposed to be. This Prologue, however, confirms that and takes it a step further–they can’t even be one night early because things still go horribly wrong. Laura claims to Travis that they spoke with Hackett and he knows they’re coming early. Even with this knowledge, Travis urges them to spend the night at a nearby motel instead. Not trusting Travis, however, (an unfortunate decision) Laura and Max go to the camp anyways, where Max learns that Laura was lying–er, well, stretching the truth. She did call Hackett to say they were coming early, but she left a voicemail and never heard back from him. So it’s safe to say Hackett doesn’t know they’re there. (which leads to a separate line of questioning–if it’s such a bad thing to be at the camp outside the allotted time, why doesn’t Hackett make more of an effort to check his phone just in case something like this happens? Surely this isn’t the first time? Unless…Hackett can’t check his phone…hmmmmmm) Deciding to investigate because that’s just who Laura is, she peers through a crack in the…storm cellar? Basement thing? I dunno, but she sees what she thinks is someone trapped down there…but they’re gone when Max comes over to see. While the camera work in the beginning suggests something running way too quickly to be human through the woods, it seems that the only being Laura actually stumbles upon when she’s out there is an old (probably human) woman (Eliza?). This is not the case for the creature in the cellar, however, as Laura and Max discover. Whatever is down there shares its space with a very unfortunate rib cage of…something, and it tackles Max behind Laura, giving him a nasty bite (?) on the shoulder. It then drags him away and Laura gets knocked out by Travis, frustrated that the two of them didn’t go to the motel like he asked. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE.
  6. Though the release trailer hints at humans hunting humans being one of the monstrous elements, they’re also not shying away from the fact that there is something more…unnatural at play, also. Creepy as Travis is, by the end of the Prologue, it really seems like he was trying to help the kids by steering them away from the camp before they’re actually supposed to be there. It’s just a shame he came off as so unsettling they decide not to listen to him. Ah well. Horror’s gotta horror.
  7. So what happens to Laura and Max? We unfortunately don’t know. It’s possible that they are only the Prologue characters, and they don’t survive after Travis finds them (similar to Hannah and Beth in Until Dawn). It would be a shame, of course, but it is strange that, at least in the release trailer, we don’t see them at all with the other 7 counselors (potentially–some of the clips went by real quickly). It’s also worth noting that the poster has Max and Laura separate from the other counselors as well–their faces are above the others and not included in the happy bonfire gang. However, Supermassive also makes the point to say in multiple places that the player takes control of all 9 counselors, and in the Prologue, the player never actually controls Max, only Laura. So it’s possible that Laura may be out of commission after the Prologue (RIP) but Max may come back somehow. Ironic that the one who gets dragged away by the unseen cellar monster is the one who might come back, but hey, ya never know. Honestly I kinda want a playthrough where only Max survives–even in the Prologue he was very much “hey maybe we shouldn’t be doing this” so he deserves to make it out. Am I biased because that actor was Jared in Booksmart? Yes, leave me alone.
  8. We also learn some more specific story-details! Potentially!
    1. It truly is unclear what they almost hit on the road–it looks like something hunched over? Maybe? But it doesn’t seem to react at all to the oncoming car, and it doesn’t chase after them either. Maybe.
    2. There is an option to take a closer look at any clues/tarots you find, but the person playing this for the video doesn’t give us that luxury D: I get it, but also…D:
    3. Besides the first tarot card, Laura also stumbles across a weathered poster stuck on a tree for something called “Harum Scarum Sideshow Spectacular.” Some of the poster is missing so we can’t make out every detail (and the player doesn’t investigate further D: ) but it looks like the fortune teller on the poster is indeed Eliza (she knew you were coming, after all!). I can’t make out the text on the left side, but the right side says “Mystery and Magic” and the bottom says “Escapologists and Enigmas.” Oh good!
    4. Not far from the poster, Laura finds an “Escapology Trunk.” Again, the player doesn’t investigate further, so we don’t know what context this will have in the game, but boy if you want a fun time, google “escapology” (the practice, not the escape room business of the same name–although hey, escape rooms are fun!). It’s basically exactly what you’re thinking–the practice essentially coined by Houdini that involves escaping from often impossible situations. It’s an oddly specific thing to include here in the prologue–I’m curious to see how it gets utilized in the game. Or maybe I don’t want to know.
    5. A little while later, Laura comes across what I initially thought was some sort of dilapidated lean-to in the woods but what is apparently a mutilated, absolutely ginormous CAGE. Next to this, she finds a weathered sign that reads “Side Show Act Silas the Dog Boy.” GOOD. GOOD GOOD GOOD. GREAT. AWESOME. Laura decides that’s enough investigation for today, and she leaves.
    6. It’s at this point, however, that she starts hearing voices. What’s interesting is that not all of the voices are clear–that is, they don’t sound like they come from anyone actually physically in the space with her, like it’s too magical for that, it almost sounds like a flashback (or maybe a flash-forward?). At the end, however, we get a closeup of her face and a view of likely an old woman (likely Eliza) whispering very clearly in Laura’s ear: “Silas.” Laura decides that alright, enough is REALLY ENOUGH at this point, and she books it back to the car.
      1. so, okay, clearly this could be hinting at the main monster being werewolves (please be werewolves. I mean, the tagline is “you won’t believe what you’ll become.” C’MON.) perhaps stemming from the original dog boy himself, but that still begs a lot of questions: what happened to the Harum Scarum show? Why is all of this stuff from the show abandoned in the woods? And why is Eliza wandering around whispering dog boy names in people’s ears?
    7. There’s a lot of weirdness and a lot of player choice in the conversation with Travis, but one key detail worth pointing out is what appears to be blood on the side of Travis’s neck. It’s never explained, of course, and maybe its only function is to add to Travis’s overall creepy aura, but if it does come into play…where did it come from? And if he’s so keen on wiping mud from Laura’s face, why does he not wipe the blood from his own neck? Hmmmm…
    8. At the actual camp now, there’s a moment where Laura runs her flashlight over the map of the camp. Her light is small, so we can’t see it all at once, but lucky for you, I tried to piece the full thing together. Huzzah!

As you can see, it looks just like the map Laura finds. Supermassive you can hire me whenever, thanks.

ANYWAY this is fun because as far as I’m aware, it’s our first glance at the overall layout of the camp! The trailer includes a lot of clips from the Firepit and references to the island where the Treehouse is, but I’m curious how these other locations come into play. The Lodge of course seems to be where Laura and Max first arrive, which means the cellar thing is connected there–but what about the Boathouse? The Cabins? THE TREE WALK? (what IS a tree walk? Is this a classic summer camp experience that I just never received? Hmmm…)

It’s also worth noting that even though many clips seem to show underground locations…none of those are on the map.



The Quarry‘s official website directs you to two social media sites to keep up with updates: Instagram and TikTok. Most of the posts seem to be very tongue-in-cheek, and it’s not entirely clear if they are intended to mean anything beyond extra marketing, but let’s dive in anyway, shall we?

    1. Character posts–reels with close-ups of character faces that occasionally flash to other images, as well as reels that show one-word descriptions of the characters before flashing to something more ominous
      1. I can’t make out all of them, but Kaitlyn’s definitely flashes to a crow and Bobby at some point. Kaitlyn’s other video describes her as “the cool kid, wise, goofy” and then it ominously flashes on “lives her life out loud.”
      2. Jacob’s first video definitely flashes to that clip of him being swung upside-down, and there’s also a flash of someone smiling creepily? His other video describes him as “the jock, loud, charismatic, confident” before it ominously flashes to “obnoxious.”
      3. Ryan’s first video is hard to make out, but there’s a definite clip of him possibly covered in blood. His second video describes him as “the loner, brooding, charming, passionate” before it ominously flashes to “sensitive.”
      4. The most obvious flash in Laura’s first video is her face perfectly matching up with definitely Eliza. Interesting!! Her second video describes her as “the fighter, wise, strong, fierce” before ominously flashing to “independent.”
      5. Dylan’s first video also seems to flash to him covered in blood, and there may be a clip of Travis in there also? Hard to say. His second video describes him as “the class clown, loud, confident, funny” before ominously flashing to “hiding behind a persona.” (sidenote–can we talk about how funny it is that both Dylan and Max are described as the class clown in different ads? And if Max does get taken out in the Prologue, it’s like a “THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE” moment)
      6. Emma’s first video definitely flashes to a ouija board at some point (horror’s gotta horror) as well as?? A zombie face? Maybe a mummy??? Her second video describes her as “the popular girl, confident, charismatic, plays to an audience” before ominously flashing to “dramatic.” (YEAH I’D BE DRAMATIC TOO IF I WAS STUCK AT THIS SUMMER CAMP)
      7. Max’s first video absolutely flashes to him covered in blood, likely from the Prologue, but there’s also a flash that looks like someone sitting in a chair?? Maybe Max??? We don’t see that in the Prologue–MAX SURVIVAL 2022???? His second video describes him as “Mr. Witty, sarcastic, helpless, friendly” before ominously flashing to “dependent.” (why is helpless one of his positive words??? Justice for Max 2022????)
        1. WE ARE STILL MISSING VIDEOS FOR: Abigail and Nick, as well as the other non-counselor characters (if they get videos?)
    2. Trailers–basically little trailer videos tailor-made for social media.
      1. The very first one is, as we now know, a little audio montage from the Prologue and Travis’s conversation with Laura and Max. Visually, we see the last shot of the Prologue, with the police car pulled over next to Max and Laura’s car, and Travis himself standing in front of the open cellar.
    3. Extras–miscellaneous shorter videos?
      1. The first one is a video of our good influencer pal Emma, talking about the treehouse. Specifically, she mentions that this part of the island is an “unexcavated” part that “re-wilded” itself after “the flood into the lake.” She then jokes about how when she was little, she used to think islands would just “float” in the middle of the water. But, she’s “older and wiser” now and realizes that “not everything is as it seems.” Good. I’m sure that doesn’t mean anything in particular.
      2. The second is related to the podcast–a reel showing a newspaper article with the…really good headline “FOUND BODY FOUND MISSING.” The article basically states that 6 teens were trespassing in the woods near the summer camp and came across a body. They reported it to the police, who stated that once they went to investigate…there was nothing there. None of the area surrounding the supposed body location was disturbed either, so it’s unlikely someone moved it. Still, the police claim that they will continue looking into it. No names are used in the article, but can we semi-confidently say the sheriff interviewed is our good pal Travis?
      3. The third is simply called “Do you see it?” and it’s some shaky camera footage of the woods at night. Near the end, the camera holds on one tree in particular and you can see a silhouette of something slowly move behind the tree. Also the audio sounds like walking and maybe…crunching?? Don’t like that.
      4. The fourth one is a better view of the camp map!! So my map I drew earlier is completely obsolete!! Oh well. I did actually get everything pretty close, except there is an arrow at the bottom of the map that says “this way to scrapyard” which isn’t ominous at all. It also focuses on the text at the bottom of the map that says “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger!” haha. Sure.
      5. Next is a slow close-up of a sign warning of the danger of hiking alone at night, specifically saying that many people have been injured and have even lost their lives from falls, hunting accidents, and wildlife attacks. I’m sure that’s nothing to worry about, though.
    4. Podcast–lil preview vids of the podcast!
      1. The first one is a trailer for the first episode, slowly zooming in on an old-fashioned-ish computer monitor which has a sticky note in the corner that says “Rabbit Hole”???
      2. The trailer for the second video is the same, with the same “Rabbit Hole” sticky note. WHAT DOES IT MEAN??
    5. Images–lol who posts pictures anymore
      1. The first is the game poster with the absolute best captions ever: “who else is excited for ‘Teens Go Camping and Nothing Goes Wrong Simulator 2022’?” BAHAHAHAHAH
    6. Updates and announcements–mostly for the sake of marketing
      1. The first is the announcement that the game has “gone gold” (I wish I knew what this meant, sorry fam…gamer fail)
      2. The second is a clip showing what the “horror history filter pack” does (do you wanna make the whole thing look grainy and fuzzy like a horror film from the 80’s?? GUESS WHAT genuinely a fun and cool idea, and adds to the whole idea of the game being a love letter to the horror genre)
  3. (some of the posts are the same as what is on Instagram, so I will only list the different uploads)
    1. Character vids–videos that seem to be from the pov of the character themselves, but with some sort of ominous twist included…because of course
      1. Kaitlyn’s is framed as “top 5 camp counselor goals” and seems harmless at first until it cuts to “late-night sneak outs” and shows her and I think Dylan walking through the woods, probably covered in blood, and oh yeah Kaitlyn has a gun. #justsummercampthings
      2. Jacob’s is framed as “my morning routine as a camp counselor” and it goes back and forth between normal things and jokes about saving kids from various things: drowning, missing breakfast…and from the ominous cut to when Jacob is swung upside down in a trap. They do love that shot, don’t they?
      3. Ryan’s is framed as more of a self-deprecating video about how weird he is (remember: hE’s a WeiRdo someone get him a Jughead hat), making fun of stuff he does that actually is “weird” before it cuts to footage of him looking scared of something off-screen. Worth noting here is that Ryan canonically listens to paranormal podcasts–mayhaps he listens to Bizarre Yet Bonafide, setting the podcast I will talk about momentarily as a truly in-universe podcast? WE LOVE THIS TRANSMEDIA APPROACH.
      4. Laura’s video is framed as “my roadtrip pet peeves” and it’s all good and fun until it cuts to the scene where Max drives off the road.
      5. Dylan’s video is framed as “here are some really terrible jokes I will be telling at camp” and he’s not kidding–they’re bad. Worth noting is the “did you hear about the kidnapping in the woods?” joke because that’s when it cuts to ominous footage of Dylan and Ryan in the woods and Dylan screaming before we get the punch line of “they woke up.” Hahaha. Ha. Ha…
      6. Emma’s video is framed as her talking about what she’ll be doing for her last year as a counselor at the camp, and as per usual, it’s all very harmless…until she jokes about “breaking some hearts” and it cuts to her and possible Jacob in the woods while she screams “RUN!!” don’t play with my jock boy Jacob like that Emma 😡
      7. Max’s video is framed as a very cute romantic video about all the ways Laura makes him feel and it’s super cute until it shows that footage from the Prologue of Laura trying to drag him up the stairs before he gets nabbed away again. Because teenage couples can never be happy in these things!! We know this!!!
        1. Once again, we are missing videos for Abigail and Nick (and other non-counselors?)
    2. Miscellaneous–extra videos, some seem to be in-universe, some not
      1. The first one is very similar to the Instagram “do you see it?” video, except it features a real human at the beginning who says “HEY WANNA SEE A DEAD BODY” It then cuts to shaky cam footage of the forest…but no dead body. Probably. The Human comes back to say “yeah I didn’t see it either and that’s the POINT.” This ties into the podcast! This does seem to contradict the newspaper article from Instagram, however, because the human here says the boy who found the body was a camp counselor and not one of six teenagers trespassing near the camp. Hmmm…Human then goes on to talk about the podcast and how it talks about the folklore of Hackett’s Quarry–mayhaps related to whatever happened to the Harum Scarum show?
      2. There are a couple “joke” videos that seem to play on TikTok trends as fun marketing–one is pointing out QTE’s in the game so Laura doesn’t smack her head on a branch, and one is Dylan and Ryan joking about Ryan’s perhaps questionable music taste. ~Character building~There’s another one featuring Emma, which jokes about how they spent weeks “babysitting kids in the middle of nowhere” and they’re ready to go home, but now the van won’t start (clip of Emma screaming). So did they all come in one van?? Awww, roadtrip buddies!!

Again, it’s unclear how much of this is key for us learning hints about the game and how much is simply for marketing, but still! Fun stuff and I love the variety of content we’re getting!

Click the image above to check out the podcast!



okay SO.

As much as this game has wormed its way into my brain (in a good way) since the trailer dropped, I’ve been not so great at keeping up with all the updates? That is until I checked out the website again the other day and went “??? PODCAST????”

At first, I assumed it would be some sort of “behind-the-scenes” kinda deal with interviews with devs and actors and the like, or maybe even an in-universe sort of thing where it’s the game characters talking about camp goings-on, but it is neither!!

“Bizarre Yet Bonafide” does seem to be an in-universe podcast, but our two narrators are not in-game characters (that we know of…). Grace and Anton are your determined (or, maybe less-than-determined in Anton’s case) hosts, intent on proving the presence of the paranormal up near Hackett’s Quarry…or not.

The overall vibe of the podcast is hilarious–having one host be such a believer and one be such a cynic is perfect, and reminds me of the good old days on Buzzfeed Unsolved. Their back-and-forth banter is immaculate, and I hope it’s a preview of what’s to come from the game itself. Like yeah, sure, it’s a horror game, but a lot of the behind-the-scenes interviews features the devs talking about the humor?? So I hope we can expect more of that!

So far, 3 of 6 episodes have released, and while each episode does talk about something different, the overarching storyline involves that “found body found missing” from the newspaper article on Instagram. I’m beyond curious how this mystery will tie in with the game itself.

  1. Episode 1 introduces us to the general vibes of the show and our hosts, Grace and Anton. It’s unclear how they came to be the ones hosting this podcast seeing as Grace is beyond excited about this and Anton frequently makes it clear he’d rather be anywhere else talking about anything else. We are also introduced to the missing body story: Grace describes the incident and it’s a lot closer to the story presented in the newspaper article rather than the TikTok video (six teenagers find the body rather than one camp counselor, for example). Grace tries hinting that mayhaps the body was eaten by some sort of ~mysterious creature~ and that’s why there was no trace of it, but Anton tries to offer that maybe, just maybe, the kids were caught trespassing and they made up the story of the body as an excuse. Grace doesn’t buy it though, and she is determined to talk with the eyewitness kid about his story. Anton seems exhausted.
  2. Episode 2 starts with Grace reading the response she got from the kid who found the supposed body–he specifically describes a “sweet but in a bad way” smell and that he’s worried because if there’s something out there killing people, he does not want his girlfriend going to camp there. Uh-oh. The majority of the episode sees Grace and Anton discussing cryptids (primarily Bigfoot) and how likely it is (or not) that a cryptid is the bodysnatcher culprit. Hilarity ensues. One thing to note here is that Grace does mention wendigos (perhaps as a nod to Until Dawn) but the other character she goes into detail about is something called a “nix.” According to Grace, the nix likes to trick innocent youths into drowning because they’re lonely, and it’s most active on “Midsummer’s Night, Christmas Eve, and…Thursdays.” From what I could gather, there is a creature from folklore sometimes referred to as a nix (or nixie, or nøkk, depending on the region the myth comes from) and though descriptions vary, the nix is definitely usually a water spirit of some sort. Sometimes humanoid, sometimes horse-like, it depends. Whether or not the nix is friendly or malevolent also depends on the specific myth. Grace seems to be drawing her research from the Grimm version, as the creature is described as a sort of pied piper who enjoys drowning their victims once they follow their song. I couldn’t find anything about being active on Thursdays, but I mean…who’s to say? Let’s all avoid bodies of water once a week just to be safe, eh? I bring up the nix section specifically because one of the Instagram posts advertising the podcast features that same section–could a nix be just one of the monsters our counselors encounter? There’s definitely plenty of water around for them to get lured into…
  3. Episode 3 is WEIRD. And yes, I realize that I’m saying that about an already weird podcast but no really hear me out–IT’S WEIRD. Though everything begins simple enough with the usual banter we’re all used to, things get funky strange real quickly. Grace begins by describing how she looked into missing persons reports in that area, and she found someone she believes is our Jane Doe (aka the vanishing body): Grace tells the story of two seasoned hikers, Anne Radcliffe and Ed Benson who went…missing. That’s about all we know for sure. The article Grace discusses talks about how there actually isn’t any evidence to support them even being in the Hackett Woods to begin with (which really only fuels her fire that ghosts are involved somehow. Oh yeah, last time cryptids were the culprit, and this time? Ghosts). Grace remains convinced that Anne Radcliffe is the vanishing body, but she offers no explanation for where Ed Benson may have gone (at least not initially, later she claims that Anne ghost-teleported him to another dimension). Anton seems more on edge than usual this episode, making really dark comments about the bodies on Mount Everest and how it’s entirely possible that Ed killed Anne for life insurance reasons or something, and he claims that’s much more terrifying than any made-up monster. Anton is always the voice of reason, of course, but he’s usually not this dark with his comments–usually he’s a lot more open to whatever Grace has to offer, even if he clearly doesn’t believe it. I wonder what’s up? The episode briefly jumps back to the banter we remember, with Grace now convinced that ghosts are the culprit, and she promises to do more research before the next episode. Then, things get…real weird again. Usually the episode ends with some very typical ~spooky noises~ and some information about The Quarry and the likes. This episode..does none of that. Instead, we hear about 12ish seconds of…a jingle? For a cereal or something? A cheerful voice sings out “pop pop peanut butter butter pops, pop pop pop ’em in your mouth…POP” While this seems totally and completely random, and it absolutely is, it’s also worth noting that…we’ve actually heard this jingle before: in Kaitlyn’s second character video on Instagram where she’s described as “the cool kid” among other things. Before the ominous flash of the video, there’s a brief moment where Kaitlyn says “pop pop peanut butter butter pops.” I gotta be honest…I don’t know what this means or why it’s relevant, but there ya go! If anything, it may just be solidifying that the podcast takes place in-universe–maybe that jingle is the super catchy jingle everyone knows and sings, and maybe the idea is that they’re now a “sponsor” of Bizarre Yet Bonafide (ya know, like how your true crime podcast sometimes gets interrupted by a Blue Apron ad? Yeah, like that). Maybe all it means is that this game is going to be full of ridiculously dorky characters and honestly? I’m on board with that.

There are three more episodes airing for sure, but we don’t know exactly when. We do know the titles of the upcoming episodes:

Episode 4 is called “Hangry for Revenge,” which is where I’m assuming Grace may go into cannibalism-related myths and cryptids. I’m sure Anton is very excited about that (also, here’s hoping he brings up the Donner Party since he’s been Mr. Debbie Downer lately anyway, it would be perfect.)

Episode 5 is called “No Hoax Without Fire” and…I honestly don’t know what this could be about. I’m sure there are fire-related myths and cryptids out there, but I’m personally drawing a blank right now. Unless they discuss forest fires for some reason? Mayhaps that is what happened to the Harum Scarum show? HMMMM…

Episode 6 is called “The Hag of Hackett’s Quarry” which is where I’m hoping they’ll really dive into the folklore they’ve created for the story itself. It would be a great tie-in to the game, especially since we know Ryan tells ghost stories and listens to paranormal podcasts. Maybe he talks about the Hag because he heard about it on Bizarre Yet Bonafide?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

All in all, the podcast is delightful and it’s such a fun transmedia approach that I’m having an absolute blast. It’s a fun way to expand the universe, but the podcast stands just fine on its own as a quirky lil…thing! I can’t wait for the remaining episodes (which I will be covering here of course) and I’m excited to see how the vanishing body ties into the game…

While I don’t necessarily think the podcast has given anything away as far as the game goes, it does seem to be fitting into the general marketing theme of “are monsters or humans more scary? Can humans become something monstrous? And what does it take to write a catchy jingle that gets stuck in everyone’s heads??”


As of right now, we don’t have much else to go on. In a recent interview, the game director estimated a typical playthrough of The Quarry would be about 10 hours, which does make it slightly longer than Until Dawn, but not by much. The team is quick to point out that it also depends on the player, as some choices may make the playthrough shorter or even longer (depending on how quickly you get everyone killed?) and I’m sure some people…like me…will spend some time investigating the clues we come across (UNLIKE THE PLAYER IN THE GAMEPLAY TRAILER *COUGH COUGH*). Also, keep in mind that this game is supposed to have a whopping 186 different endings all dependent upon every single choice you make throughout the game–each character has like, 10-12 different death scenes. INSANE. So the replayability value should theoretically be extremely high.

(also–okay but how many alive scenes does each character have, huh?…please)

You BET I’ll be overanalyzing every update we get–with a little over a month to go, there is still so much to be learned!

And hopefully this will tide my funky horror side over until Nope comes out in July.

Next on the agenda (at least until we get another The Quarry update) is a masterlist of sorts for game recommendations based on length and, honestly, my personal taste. Basically, what I wish the Nintendo store would give us for game recommendations. “Hey we saw you replayed this game an ungodly amount of times, so we figured this other very similar game may interest you!”

What do you mean “why do you start and replay games constantly without finishing them” leave me alone.

Splicing Up the Details of the “Us” Soundtrack (and Lupita’s horror movie homework)

So Jordan Peele’s new nightmare, Us, opens TONIGHT!

Well, it opens tonight for all us normal people. Many who attended SXSW got to see it on March 8, and while everyone who saw it seems to LOVE it, they’re being very tight-lipped about the details.

I appreciate this, honestly, because there’s nothing quite like going into a Jordan Peele movie blind (I’m so thankful no one spoiled Get Out for me). So while we don’t know many details right now, #keepitbetweenUS, what we do know is that all the secrecy means one thing: PLOT TWISTS. PLOT TWISTS EVERYWHERE.

The soundtrack for Us came out just under a week ago, and since we all know how I feel about movie soundtracks, I thought I’d spend some time splicing apart whatever we can from the soundtrack itself and the track titles. After that we’ll take a look at Lupita Nyong’o’s horror movie homework to see what else we can speculate about…

What we’ll do is go through the list, track by track, and just speculate! Also included will be a drawing interpretation by me of what I think may happen in the movie based off of the music and the name of the song.

So, without further ado…

TRACK 1: “Anthem”

The soundtrack starts with “Anthem,” which lets you know from the very beginning that, just as Jordan Peele himself tweeted, Us is a horror movie. This first song is just real unsettling. There’s some kind of chanting going on, with a whole lot of white noise-esque sounds underneath it. The chanting builds, and underneath it, it sounds like we have one drum and a bunch of stringed instruments providing the rhythm. I can’t even begin to speculate what might be happening onscreen during this, but it probably isn’t good. It ends with some kind of minor chord strummed out, and it’s just…wow it’s unnerving.

By the way, the soundtrack is composed by Michael Abels, who also composed the soundtrack for-you guessed it-Get Out. I drew Jordan Peele here because I’m sure he had some say in it, but the real musical mastermind behind all of this is Michael Abels.

TRACK 2: “Outernet”

The next track is a shorter piece, and while I wouldn’t say it’s “happier” by any means, it’s definitely calmer. Strings play underneath a slow piano tune and there is no chanting to be heard anywhere!

This I’m assuming is when our main family is introduced: Adelaide, Gabe, Zora, and Jason. The song does kind of seem to set up an “everything’s fine…or is it” mood.

TRACK 3: “Spider”

I have NO idea what could possibly happen during this number. I tried looking through the cast to see if maybe there’s a character named “Spider,” but there doesn’t seem to be. This could be about an actual spider, of course. Maybe it serves as some sort of foreshadowing, or maybe it’s the first of those “things lining up” that Adelaide mentions in one of the trailers.

Either way, the song starts out somewhat pleasant and calm, like “Outernet,” but it builds up into, you guessed it, real unsettling.

I mean I thought the creepy animal of choice for this movie was a bunny…

…is there a type of bunny called “spider bunny”? IS THIS TIED INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE???

TRACK 4: “Ballet Memory”

This track is interesting-besides “Anthem,” it feels like the first track that really comes right out of a horror film. It builds up even more intensely than any of the other tracks, with strings all playing at once in all different notes. You can tell SOMETHING not good happens…

In the trailers, we do see glimpses of what appears to be some sort of ballet recital. Initially I thought the girl in the clips was Zora, but the cast list shows that there’s a “Young Adelaide” and a “Teenage Adelaide.” Since it is titled “Ballet Memory,” it’s possible the girl in the ballet clips is actually Adelaide. Perhaps she saw Red, her Tethered, as a child AND a teen…

TRACK 5: “Beach Walk”

This HAS to be referencing the beautiful shot in the trailers that shows the family walking along the beach with their shadows stretched behind them.

This is an interesting track, because while it should theoretically be a happy walk-yay vacation and seeing family friends!-it’s just as unnerving as anything else. The music is really gonna help remind us that, yes, this is a horror movie.

Also, the chanting from “Anthem” comes back in this track for a brief moment before we have some fun rhythm section stuff and squeaky strings. I say “fun” because it kind of is, but mostly it’s just creepy.

TRACK 6: “First Man Standing”

This title, I’m assuming, is referencing the clip in the trailers of the creepy guy Jason runs into on the beach. You know, the one in the tattered jacket facing away from Jason with two bloody fingers. That one!

This track is shorter as well, and actually most of it is kind of calm like “Outernet,” and then there’s a sudden build-up to what I’m assuming is the moment when Jason sees the creepy guy. Is he a Tethered? He looks like he has the iconic red jumpsuit, although he also has the weird green coat over it, so who knows.

TRACK 7: “Back to the House”

This, I’m assuming, is going to be a lot of Adelaide flashing back to her childhood since she thought she lost Jason on the beach (like we saw in the trailers). It’s definitely another unsettling little track, and since we all know what happens once they’re in the house…DON’T GO BACK TO THE HOUSE!!!

TRACK 8: “Keep You Safe”

This has to reference the scene in the trailers where Adelaide is talking to Jason about sticking with her so he’ll be safe. So obviously, Adelaide has had experiences with the Tethered, she knows what it did to her as a child, so it’s fascinating that she’d even agree to come back to this childhood home of hers in the first place…

There’s an interesting section in this track where the strings play a real intense melody that directly contrasts the calm mood of the beginning of the track-is this when Jason first notices…the family in the driveway???

TRACK 9: “Don’t Feel Like Myself”

This could be talking about a number of things, but I’m assuming at one point we have to jump to Elizabeth Moss’s character and her…unfortunate experience. We do see her having a brief conversation in her house with her husband in one trailer, and then of course there’s the iconic shot of her crawling to the camera.

So while I’m assuming this track is going to be about Kitty Tyler, it’s interesting that the track is called what it is…do the Tethered have some sort of possession abilities? How many times do we say that we “don’t feel like ourselves?”


TRACK 10: “She Tried to Kill Me”

Based off of me thinking the previous track is about Kitty, I’m assuming then that the title of this track is referencing the moment where she’s crawling towards the camera…what if she gets into contact with Adelaide somehow and tells her that “she tried to kill me?”

If Adelaide is alerted that something is going on before their own Tethered’s show up, that would help explain why she seems to sort of know that something is wrong in the trailers after the “family in our driveway” line.

The other side of this is that this is actually another flashback of Adelaide’s-perhaps we get to see even more of her previous experiences with the Tethered.

Both this track and the previous are very similar-they’re not fast-paced by any means, but they’re eerie and suspenseful in a slow, creeping way. Again, you know something is wrong just by listening to it…if you played these tracks over footage of someone walking in a sunny garden, you’d be waiting for the ravenous zombie to jump out.

TRACK 11: “Boogieman’s Family”

This HAS to be this moment, when Jason says this and Gabe goes to investigate. We know the actual coming after them doesn’t start till the next track (based off the title).

I’m assuming based off this title that Jason called the bloody man on the beach the “Boogieman,” and so when he sees the other Tethered in the driveway, this is what he assumes-he has a family!

No chanting in this track, but there is some creepy choral “ooh-ing” alongside some unnerving string work. It’s just not a happy song, you guys.

TRACK 12: “Home Invasion”

Aaaaand the Tethered have joined the film!

This, of course, must be when the Tethered family breaks into the Wilson’s home. You can tell in the music EXACTLY when the actual invading starts…there’s a creepy, slow build-up before sudden strings and then everything is fast-paced and as unsettling as ever.

This is one of the longer songs on the soundtrack, which means this whole invasion scene is gonna be long and drawn-out and I JUST. That whole concept is absolutely my worst nightmare, why would you elongate it like this. Why.

Is it because it’s nightmare-inducing? Yeah. Yeah that’s it.

TRACK 13: “Once Upon a Time”

This is a little more difficult to figure out…we go from intense home-invasion music to slow, drawling strings and a title like that (also, the “ooh-ing” choir is back!)…I initially thought maybe this was Adelaide finally telling her family about her previous experiences with these things, but it’s odd that the Tethered would just let her talk for that long without like…killing all of them. If that is their goal! We don’t know!!

It’s also possible that maybe this is Red telling the story…maybe discussing the flashbacks we’ve already seen from her perspective.

Anyway. This is a real creepy track.

TRACK 14: “Run”

This is, without a doubt, my favorite song on the soundtrack. Up to this point, all the songs have kind of fit together, with their chanting and “ooh-ing” and long, drawn-out stringed instrument notes…but this song?

There’s a slow, menacing drum beat almost the whole way through, with short string notes played in between and all around but at different moments, and sometimes they make shrieking noises and sometimes they build-up without the drums and then silence…right before the drums kick back in.

There’s a brief section near the end that plays the melody the strings are plucking out with a piano, a moment where I’m assuming everyone thinks they’ve escaped and everything’s fine….BUT NOPE.

It’s still unsettling, of course, but what I think is really fascinating is that it’s called “Run.” It’s not a quick song at all-the constant drum beat does not sound like someone running, it sounds like someone marching. I’m assuming, of course, this means that the Wilson’s are running for their lives and all, but the fact that it’s not fast-paced music urging them on almost makes it scarier. It’s slow, it’s loud, it’s constant…it’s a little terrifying.

Compare it to “Escape the Subway” from the Spider-verse soundtrack-another song where the lead is running from the villain, but that song is fast-paced, it sounds like someone is definitely running!

This sounds like even if someone is running, they don’t actually have a chance.

TRACK 15: “Into the Water”

Since there’s a track later that actually mentions the boat in the title, it’s possible this isn’t referencing the boat at all. Still, I’m assuming this is some kind of attempted escape involving…the water.

Is water their weakness? IS THIS LIKE SIGNS ALL OVER AGAIN???

Probably not.

This track feels a lot more disjointed than some of the others-the music starts heading one direction before stopping abruptly and turning the complete other way with a new melody and new instruments. There’s a small section that’ll sound like running, then a sudden drum beat, then slow, constant, eerie strings…

I dunno, fam. I just wanna know how the pun boats will help the family.

TRACK 16: “Spark in the Closet”

I’m guessing this track is the one the plays during the scene we saw in the trailer of Jason and his Tethered, Pluto, in the closest together. With fire.

This is also the scene where Pluto takes his mask off and we see all his horrible burn scars on his face.


TRACK 17: “Escape to the Boat”

This is one of the only truly fast-paced and intense songs on the soundtrack, at least in the beginning. It slows down just as the instruments build, so WHO KNOWS WHAT THAT MEANS.

Based off the title, I’m assuming this is like, everyone makes a break for the boat. I’m also assuming this doesn’t work since we’re only about halfway through the soundtrack.

Also-the creepy chanting is back! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

TRACK 18: “Femme Fatale”

This is actually another one of my favorite tracks, I think.

Based off the title and what we see of Adelaide in the trailers, I’m assuming this is referencing her being a total badass.

It’s interesting, though, because the first half of the track sounds like it was ripped from a romance scene from a black-and-white movie. Or like, maybe Gone with the Wind. Then, once the creepiness comes in, the same theme distorts and the drums from “Run” are back. It’s just so unsettling and interesting and I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!!!

It’s also possible this actually references Red. Like maybe the happy-ish music from the beginning is Red, and then the distortion is Adelaide coming after her…

We don’t really know that the Tethered are bad, do we…?

TRACK 19: “Silent Scream”

I’m guessing this is referencing the brief moment we catch in the trailers of Adelaide screaming while holding…someone. It’s too quick to catch who it is that she’s holding, buuuut….I’m assuming it isn’t…..good……

Also, for a track titled the way it is, it sure is anything but silent. It’s loud, with lots of instruments and melodies battling it out for dominance.

Basically, I’m assuming things are going really well by this point in the film. I’m sure everything’s fine.

TRACK 20: “News Report”

We see at least a couple shots in the trailers of the beach just…littered with what I’m assuming are corpses. Basically everyone in the cast is listed as playing two characters, which means everyone in the town has a Tethered, and they all attacked on that one night…for some reason.

Also rabbits are everywhere.

Since many of the shots are in daylight, we know that the attack starts with the home invasion at night but goes on into the next day, which is when I’m assuming the mysterious news report takes place.

Does the reporter live through the end of the film??? Probably not, but we’ll see.

TRACK 21: “Zora Drives”

This track, clearly, is about Zora driving-we do see her behind the wheel for a moment in the trailers.

The big question then, of course, is why she’s driving-what happened to lead to that point?? WHERE ARE ADELAIDE AND GABE.

This track also introduces us to a really creepy string tune that plays throughout the track at different speeds…so that’s…fun.

TRACK 22: “Death of Umbrae”

We know from the cast list that Zora’s Tethered is named Umbrae…so um…she apparently doesn’t make it.

This tells us a couple things-aside from the fact that yes, Umbrae dies, it tells us that the Tethered can be killed. There’s a way, somehow, for them to die.

Does Zora hit her with the car? Is that it?

This track features an “ahh-ing” choir and somber string notes. So I’m assuming her death is something dramatic and intense and maybe…not a good thing?

TRACK 23: “Somber Ride”

With a title like that, you’d expect like…something slow, something contemplative, something, ya know, somber? It’s not really. The strings are certainly somber, still super creepy, but there’s a drum beat that carries through most of the track to take away any element of “somber.”

It also makes me think, again, since this is the track following Umbrae’s death, maaaaaybe her death wasn’t such a good thing…

For example, what happens if your Tethered dies? Just how tethered together are the two of you? Does Umbrae’s death affect Zora in some way??

TRACK 24: “Immolation”

“Immolation” is, apparently, some kind of sacrifice, usually involving fire.

I’m assuming then that it has to do with Pluto somehow, since he’s the one attached to fire. The track itself has an interesting build-up, with intense choral singing leading into lots of “ahh-ing” combined with a quick-paced string melody and lots of drums. It certainly sounds like the build-up to some kind of sacrifice, but why is a sacrifice necessary?

Is it that a sacrifice is necessary to kill the Tethered? In that case, who was the sacrifice for Umbrae’s death?

What does ANY OF THIS MEAN???

TRACK 25: “Down the Rabbit Hole”

We’re now getting into the tracks that truly confuse me. I really don’t get the rabbit thing…why are they everywhere? Why is there rabbit IMAGERY everywhere??

The title is, of course, an Alice in Wonderland reference, but why? Alice never had a double of herself that I recall, although there is the whole Through the Looking Glass thing. We do see at least some mirror imagery in the trailers, so maybe that’s what the reference really is…

I dunno. It’s a cool track, though-it has a fun build-up to some fast-paced string melodies and some intense drum work. Clearly something dramatic happens!

TRACK 26: “Performance Art”

Look, the title was giving me nothing, and it’s almost impossible to speculate what could be happening at this point in the film.

Now we know that we have some ballet references in here, so that’s what the title could be referring to, but we don’t really know for sure.

Are the bunnies a performance art? IS THAT WHAT THEY MEAN??

TRACK 27: “Human”

Ah yes, the age-old question.

Something at this point in the film discusses the idea of being “human,” I’m assuming. Are the Tethered human? Are the Wilson’s any more or less human than the Tethered? Do certain actions taken throughout the film challenge that idea of being human? Does killing someone make you more or less human? If the Tethered aren’t human, does killing them make you more or less human?

I have no idea if that’s the rabbit hole (GET IT?? THESE ARE THE JOKES!!) the film will go down with this track or not, but it’s certainly an interesting concept.

The track itself is generally much more slow-paced than the previous ones leading up to it. It still has the creepy choir, but it’s generally more contemplative than the quick and creepy string melodies from before.

TRACK 28: “Battle Plan”

Aaaand we’re back to the chanting and the fast-paced strings and drums!!

This is a shorter track, again, but it’s full of determination! I’m assuming it’s a battle plan Adelaide comes up with, but again, we don’t know if the Tethered are actually villains or not…maybe this is the Wilson’s helping the Tethered overcome an entirely different enemy.


TRACK 29: “Pas de deux”

Another one of my favorite tracks!!

If you’ve watched the trailers…semi-obsessively hunting for clues like I have, then this track should sound familiar to you-this is the creepy remixed part of “I Got 5 On It” that we hear in the trailers, minus the actual “I Got 5 On It” section.

If you aren’t familiar with ballet terms (or you’re not a weeb like I freely admit I am and didn’t watch Princess Tutu ever), a pas de deux literally translates to “step of two” in French. It’s a duet dance, and a staple of any ballet.

Since we know ballet plays some kind of key role in this, it’s fascinating to me that this song comes after “Battle Plan.” A dance for two is part of the plan? Obviously it doesn’t have to be an actual dance, could be a metaphor, whatever, but can you imagine if their plan was actually dancing? GET ‘EM, ADELAIDE.

Also though, you can’t be talking about the duality of people and ballet without mentioning, of course, Swan Lake. The whole point of the story is that the white swan loses her love because the black swan, her evil double, deceives the prince and takes her place.

The more I think about it, the more I think it’s interesting that Black Swan was not one of the movies in Lupita Nyong’o’s homework stash, but more on that later…

TRACK 30: “They Can’t Hurt You”

This track reminds me a lot of “Keep You Safe” actually, both musically and in title. This is clearly the “calm after the storm” song. The battle has been won…they can’t hurt you.

But again, it’s unclear whether this is referencing the Wilson clan or the Tethered clan. Maybe it’s not referencing any of them at all.

What I really love about this song is that it’s actually hopeful sounding! It takes the creepy melody from “Pas de deux” and plays it slowly, on a piano, in a major key so it sounds uplifting rather than scary.

As “happy” as this song is (I’m hesitant to call any of this happy, it might mean nothing…), it’s not actually…the ending, much as it feels like it could be.

TRACK 31: “Finale”


This song starts out sounding like a finale would. It’s slow, it’s peaceful, it sounds like the music that would play over someone picking up the pieces of their lives to start over after something awful happened.

It starts out sounding like maybe, everything’s fine. And even if it’s not fine in that moment, it will be, eventually.


The strings in the background change, a more haunting melody starts playing, and then it transitions back into that DAMN CHANTING. Things get faster, the chanting is there, everything sounds unhappy again, and then the piano version of the “Pas de deux” melody plays but it no longer sounds hopeful.


It’s also possible that this is the music that plays over the end credits. Which is fine, it does mean…theoretically, that the movie is indeed over by that point, but it still leaves you feeling like it isn’t quite over, there’s more to figure out. And actually, from what people have said, it is certainly a film you may need to see more than once to fully grasp it.

TRACK 32: “I Got 5 On It (Tethered Mix from US)”

Now if you’re like me, all you wanted was access to the fabulous creepy remix of “I Got 5 On It” used in the trailer. AND WE GOT IT.

I love, love, LOVE this remix. It’s soooo unnerving but also extremely catchy??

Plus, I absolutely love that the remix version that has haunted us for the past couple months is in the official soundtrack in “Pas de deux.” We’ve all been thinking about this song subconsciously, and then we’re gonna hear it in theatres and OUR MINDS WILL JUST EXPLODE.

So that about does it for the soundtrack, and what little I can pull from what we have. If you’re curious, absolutely go check it out on Spotify or Apple Music/iTunes. Or like I think some of it is on YouTube.

So now…

Lupita Nyong’o Had Some Homework

Before filming Us, Jordan Peele gave lead actress Lupita Nyong’o some horror movie homework to prepare. We know which films he had her watch, so let’s break those down a little, shall we?

1. Dead Again

PLOT: A mute woman suffering from amnesia arrives at an orphanage, and a private detective and a hypnotist are tasked with finding out who she is. Thanks to the hypnotist, Mute Woman starts regaining her voice and some extremely vivid memories of a famous couple from the 1940’s (from what I can tell, the speculation is that the husband murdered the wife, but they don’t know for sure). Mute Woman and Detective start falling in love, but they bear a striking resemblance to the 1940’s couple…Mute Woman starts wondering if Detective will kill her so she’ll be dead…again.

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: Ummmm…I mean, okay, it’s possible that this might reference the Tethered’s connection to the other characters. Maybe the Tethered represent how they died in another life, and they need to make sure the cycle keeps going. I guess. Or they just want their respective characters to remember how they died so they don’t repeat the same mistakes?

2. The Shining

PLOT: Jack, a writer struggling with writer’s block, becomes the winter caretaker of the isolated Overlook Hotel. He takes his wife and son with him. Once they’re snowed in, however, supernatural forces in the hotel start plaguing Jack so that he becomes hellbent on terrorizing his family, just as his son’s visions and premonitions get worse…

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: Okay, so basically everyone at least knows of The Shining, right? What this says to me is that there’s possibly some supernatural influence about Adelaide’s hometown in particular. After all, it at least seems that all her experiences with the Tethered are tied to that town, and that town alone. I hope it doesn’t mean that Gabe’s gonna go crazy and try to kill everyone. Or maybe Jason and Zora have premonitions?

3. The Babadook

PLOT: An exhausted widow caring for her six-year-old son by herself is plagued still by the grief of her husband’s death in a car accident (on their way to the hospital while she was in labor, no less). One night, her son asks her to read from a storybook called “Mister Babadook” about a weird creature who torments people once they’re aware of it. Of course, it starts doing just that…

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: If you haven’t seen The Babadook, well, small spoiler warning now in effect. The big debate about the film is whether or not the Babadook is actually real or if it’s just a metaphor for how we sometimes let grief control us. So this could mean that the Tethered are not actually real, but a metaphor for something else that we feel is connected to us…or something. Or they are very, very real.

4. It Follows

PLOT: A group of friends (and one girl in particular) spend the entire film pursued by an entity that can take the form of any person at all. The entity’s hunt is passed along via sex, so if you want to get rid of it, you have sex with someone to pass it on and then it’s their problem. The friends team up to try and find a way to kill the entity, and just when you think they’ve succeeded, a figure is seen walking behind our two leads…

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: Like The Babadook, It Follows is actually more of a metaphorical horror film discussing the danger and stigmas of STDs. So, again, this could be referring to the idea that the Tethered are not actually real creatures, but a representation of something else, something that affects humans in a different, monstrous way.

5. A Tale of Two Sisters

PLOT: The story follows Su-mi, a teenage girl who was just released from a mental institution after being treated for shock and psychosis. She lives with her father, her stepmother, and her younger sister. As the film goes on, it becomes more clear that everything we’re seeing, everything Su-mi is seeing, may not be real at all. The house is filled with ghosts…

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: Again, if you haven’t seen A Tale of Two Sisters, spoiler warning!! The big twist is that Su-mi actually has DID, or Dissociative identity disorder. She actually plays herself, her stepmother, AND her younger sister. Many of the scenes where we saw other actors were actually Su-mi talking with herself. There are definitely ghosts in the house, many of the characters see them, and one such ghost is indeed Su-mi’s sister. Su-mi’s sister died when a wardrobe fell on top of her, and the stepmother found her…and didn’t help. That’s why Su-mi was in the mental institution in the beginning of the movie. Now again, this could mean that the Tethered are some kind of dead ghost versions of the characters, or maybe they’re alternate personalities of them.

6. The Birds

PLOT: Melanie, a young socialite, visits her romantic interest Mitch at his seaside hometown. As she stays and meets more of the people there, more and more mysterious bird attacks keep happening. Melanie herself is attacked by a seagull on the way into the bay. As the bird attacks escalate, so too does the paranoia of the townspeople as they desperately search for a way to survive, and someone to blame.

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: Well some of the connections are clear already-someone visiting a seaside hometown where mysterious and unexplained attacks start occurring. There is a lot of potential symbolism in The Birds, ranging from the metaphor of women being birds to the idea that we should be more careful how we treat nature. I’m not sure whether any of those messages directly connect to Us, but we’ll have to wait to see. One interesting thing to note is that while The Birds starts out with the birds caged up while the humans can move about freely, by the end, it is clear that the humans are caged up and trapped while the birds can move about freely. Again, not sure if that ties in at all, I just think it’s neat.

7. Funny Games

PLOT: A family of four (including a dog) arrive for vacation at their lakeside house, where they meet with their rather strange neighbors. Strange things keep happening, but it doesn’t become really sinister until the two neighbors then take the family hostage and force them to play a number of “games” with them in order to stay alive.

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: The movie itself is cruel and grueling to sit through, and it’s supposed to be. It’s completely hopeless from the start, and the audience knows this, but it’s still hard to watch. Spoilers ahead: every single family member is nonchalantly offed by the end, and then it starts all over with a different family. While the home invasion connection is clear, I’m hoping that the Tethered’s goal is not to simply play games with Wilson’s in order for them to stay alive, because there has to be more to it then that. What is interesting is that the director for Funny Games has made it very clear that it is meant to be a commentary on how violence is presented in the media. It’s not supposed to be a film for entertainment because violence shouldn’t be entertaining. Now, whether or not that ties into Us or not remains to be seen. Another important element of Funny Games is all the fourth wall breaking done by the two villains. They make it clear time and again that this is a movie, and they have total control over it.

8. Martyrs

PLOT: A young abused girl escapes her torment and winds up at an orphanage, where she befriends another girl there. The first girl, Lucie, tells her new friend, Anna, about her abuse and how she feels she is constantly tortured by some mysterious ghost woman. 15 years later, Lucie is on the hunt for the family that abused her as a child, and ends up killing an entire family she believes to be responsible. Anna is horrified by this, and Lucie is “attacked” by the ghost woman in front of her; Anna only sees Lucie attacking herself. Later in the film, Anna meets the people who tortured Lucie, learning she is one of many. The group is set on discovering the secrets of the afterlife by creating “martyrs.”

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: The first obvious connection is that the mysterious ghost woman haunting Lucie isn’t real; it’s a manifestation of her guilt. When she escaped as a child, she left another girl behind, and that is what haunts her. So again, the Tethered may not be real, but instead a manifestation of something else. There’s also the potential connection again that the Tethered are the dead versions of the other characters. Maybe they got that way because they are “martyrs” in some sense of the word. From what I understand, Martyrs is another film that’s real hard to sit through, and the entire third act is just the audience being forced to watch Anna go through a whole lot of torture. So that’s…pleasant.

9. Let the Right One In

PLOT: The movie follows Oskar, a 12-year-old boy plagued by bullies and filled with ideas on how to get revenge on them. He never is able to go through with it. One day, a girl his age moves in next door named Eli. Despite Eli’s insistence that they can never be friends, the two do form a bond of sorts. Oskar is able to stand up to his bullies because of Eli’s encouragement, but the real trouble kicks in when Oskar learns what Eli is: a vampire.

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: It’s interesting to note that Peele’s list specifically focuses on this Swedish movie and not the English remake, Let Me In. While this movie is certainly a horror movie-lots of killings and vampiric activities-the big emphasis of the film is the relationship between Oskar and Eli. In the English remake, much more emphasis was put on the horror elements of the film, not the relationship. So this could mean that perhaps there is some sort of relationship built between one or more of the characters and their Tethered counterparts. Perhaps it’s Jason and Pluto, since we see them have an interesting seemingly non-violent encounter in a closet. Or maybe the Tethered are vampires. Who knows!

10. The Sixth Sense

PLOT: The film follows Malcolm, a child psychologist, and his current patient, Cole. Cole is plagued with visions of dead people, and Malcolm is tasked with helping him with his visions while at the same time healing the broken relationship with his wife who doesn’t seem to want to even talk to him anymore.

WHAT THIS COULD MEAN: If for some reason you haven’t seen The Sixth Sense yet, PLEASE DO SO. DO IT NOW BEFORE YOU READ FURTHER. It’s a brilliant plot twist and you must go into it blind!! Okay, for everyone else…this could mean a number of things. It could mean, again, that the Tethered are ghosts of some kind. It could mean that they don’t actually want to harm the Wilson’s or anyone else, they just need help. It could mean that the Wilson’s aren’t even alive themselves. I mean, The Sixth Sense has a thing with the color red…the Tethered wear red jumpsuits……I DUNNO, FAM.

It’s all speculation

While it’s super fun picking apart the soundtrack and the movie list, it’s still all speculation, and so far, only people who have seen the movie know what’s really going on, AND THEY’RE KEEPING IT BETWEEN THEM. #rude

I mean I’m thankful, but also…tell me everything.

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to Us. I pick up something new from Get Out every time I watch it, and I’m hoping Us will be the same way. It’s my favorite kind of film-one that makes you think about it long after you’ve left the theatre.

Let me know if you’ve seen it and you loved it, or if you’re going to see it and are excited, or if you’re just avoiding it because it looks terrifying. Honestly, that’s fair. I’m terrified, too, I’m just inexplicably drawn to it. It’s because I’m a 4 on the Enneagram. It’s a curse.

…maybe the Tethered are part of some curse on the town??? WHAT ARE THEY??????