
Hey there everyone!

I am the Filmennial, and welcome to my movie review blog!

Sometime last year (or maybe it was sooner, I didn’t used to go see movies a lot-but that all changes TODAY quite literally as I’m seeing something tonight and I already have a ticket for tomorrow), I noticed that before almost every movie you saw, there’d be a little clip of the director and/or some actors from the film talking a little about the process and to thank you, the audience member, for supporting the arts.

Now I don’t know how the rest of you feel, but movie tickets can be expensive, so I for one was delighted to hear that someone appreciated my hard-spent cash (it still wasn’t quite enough to squash the buyer’s remorse, but that is something I carry with me even if I’m buying something necessary, like aspirin, or goldfish crackers).

But more than that, it got me thinking-as an artist myself, I do like to support the arts in whatever way I can. Yes, Hollywood is riddled with atrocities, but that doesn’t erase all the hard work and all the talented people both in front of and behind the cameras.

So, this year I did what any sane strapped-for-cash millennial would do, and I succumbed to AMC’s A-List deal (#notsponsored). I mean really, I live about a mile from a movie theater, and who doesn’t love going to the movies? The next step, of course, still as a perfectly sane and still-strapped-for-cash millennial, was to start a blog and throw my opinions out there!

With these reviews, I’ll be seeing any movies that interest me (so not necessarily any movie that comes out in theaters because some of them…meh) and reviewing them here for your reading (but mostly my writing) pleasure.

I’m not a professional reviewer by any means, but I like to consider myself someone with more of a common person opinion about movies. This blog and my A-List tickets are a way of being kinder to myself this year, and treating myself to an art form I love. I’m a 21-year-old bisexual female artist, and this year, I’m taking myself to the movies. You are all welcome to come along.

Treat yo self. — Parks and Recreation

the filmennial header!